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�*4<f, <br /> OAt CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> yG NO. 6 8 5 7 <br /> kESHOpti <br /> connection to each lot would have an additional run of approximately 500 more <br /> feet, to reach the existing and planned improvements on the lots. <br /> c. Cost. The cost to install a connecting sewer line of the length stated above would <br /> be approximately $50,000. To run connecting lines from the common line to the <br /> improvements on the two lots would add approximately $42,000 for the main lot, <br /> and approximately $32,000 for the westerly lot, for a total cost of about $120,000. <br /> d. Environmental Impact. A private sewer line that must be excavated over the <br /> distances here in question would have a greater effect on the environment, than <br /> would a sewer line of a more typical shorter length. <br /> 6. The Property is within Tier 1 and hardcover on each lot is limited to 25% according to the <br /> Stormwater Quality Overlay District Map. <br /> 7. The Property will be subdivided as a front lot/back lot division resulting in 2 buildable lots <br /> and platted private driveway outlot. Both lots conform to the size and width requirements <br /> of the City Code for the LR-1A district and back lot subdivisions. <br /> 8. Lot 1 will be defined as a back lot meeting the requirements of City Code Sections 78- <br /> 1370 and 82-256; the setbacks for rear and side yards on Lot 1 shall be 150% of the LR- <br /> 1A setback requirements. <br /> 9. Access to the Property is via the existing driveway to be contained within a platted outlot <br /> serving both Lots 1 and 2 off of Old Crystal Bay Road South (CSAH 84), a public street. <br /> Lot 2 will continue to also maintain a secondary access via the driveway to the south. <br /> 10. The Developer has prepared grading plans to manage stormwater on site without <br /> negatively impacting adjacent parcels. <br /> 11. The Developer has proposed grading on Lot 1 to establish a new engineered grade for <br /> building height determination. <br /> 12. In considering this application for average lakeshore setback variance, the Council has <br /> considered the advice and recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of <br /> the proposed subdivision upon the health, safety and welfare of the community, existing <br /> and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, and <br /> the effect on values of property in the surrounding area. <br /> The existing Dayton home at 825 Old Crystal Bay Road South (new Lot 2) and the home <br /> at 3051 Farview Lane determine the average lakeshore setback line for the home on Lot <br /> 4 <br />