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• <br /> 6835 <br /> Preliminary Plat Application 18-3999 <br /> Southways Addition <br /> Page 3 <br /> and maintenance activities, designate who will conduct inspection and maintenance activities, <br /> and outline reporting requirements. <br /> 1.13 Clear drive lanes must be maintained on Brackets Point Road during construction. The <br /> Contractor will have to exercise care during mobilization of equipment to not block traffic,and <br /> parking for construction workers should be restricted to on-site only. The Contractor should <br /> submit a Traffic Control Plan prior to any work. Access must be maintained to properties south <br /> of site at all times. Plan should be approved by Fire Department and/or applicable emergency <br /> services. <br /> 1.14 A fmal estimated cost of proposed improvements,matching approved plans,must be submitted <br /> in order to determine the total Letter of Credit(LOC)amount. The LOC must be written to <br /> 150%of cost of improvements and submitted prior to any land disturbing activities. Estimated <br /> costs should include grading,erosion control,utilities, street construction,vegetation <br /> management,buffer establishment,temporary stabilization,and final stabilization. <br /> 1.15 Development grading,including the storm ponds and drainage ways, should be completed prior <br /> to acceptance of the development and release of the escrow. In addition, a copy of MCWD <br /> approval for the Stormwater Management system should be submitted prior to issuing any <br /> Certificates of Occupancy. <br /> 1.16 Record drawings must be submitted upon completion of the project. <br /> 2.0 PRELIMINARY PLAT/SITE PLAN: <br /> 2.1 A Flowage and Conservation easement will be required over any wetlands to remain. <br /> 2.2 Drainage and Utility Easements should be provided as follows: <br /> a. Over all stormwater management facilities used to meet regulatory requirements. <br /> b. All swales and storm sewer providing drainage for multiple properties. <br /> c. 5' along all side lot lines, unless adjacent to Development boundary. <br /> d. 10' along all front lot lines, rear lot lines, and adjacent to Development boundary. <br /> 3.0 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN: <br /> 3.1 Perimeter erosion control should be installed by the Contractor and inspected by the City prior <br /> to any other work. Contractor must provide a minimum 24 hour notice prior to inspection. <br /> 3.2 Facilities necessary to meet regulatory requirements should be installed and the site mass- <br /> graded at the same time as street construction to ensure all drainage ways and watersheds are <br /> constructed per the approved Stormwater Management Plan. If done piece-meal,coordination <br /> of required stormwater management facilities can be difficult,and facilities required may be <br /> forgotten during future construction. <br /> 3.3 Pond emergency overflows should be provided at the predicted 100 year high water level and <br /> armored with Turf Reinforcement Mat(TRM). <br /> 3.4 Additional spots and revised contouring should be provided in several areas to ensure a <br /> minimum 6"swale depth is provided for swales providing conveyance to wet retention ponds <br /> per the approved Stormwater Management Plan. These spot elevations should be confirmed <br /> with record drawings prior acceptance of development. <br /> 3.5 The grading adjacent to the road should be revised as necessary to provide a minimum 2' depth <br /> for the ditch in the rural section per the City Standard Detail or follow the curb line in the urban <br /> section. <br /> H:\ORNO\C13115486\z-18-3999_Brackets Point\Southways PrePlatReview-1 2018-o1.09.docx <br /> Bolton&Menk is an equal opportunity employer. <br />