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L p Z <br /> Preliminary Plat Application 18-3999 6 8 3 <br /> Southways Addition <br /> Page 2 <br /> adequate storage is provided. <br /> d. A minimum 8' wide access bench along the top of the berm should be provided all the way <br /> around the pond to allow for inspection of outlets and future maintenance. <br /> e. The stormwater management plan should be revised as necessary to meet all requirements <br /> and resubmitted for review prior to Final Plat approval to ensure adequate siting is <br /> available for required facilities. <br /> 1.2 The condition of Bracketts Point Road to remain should be reviewed by the City and Contractor <br /> prior to any work,and the existing condition should be documented with pictures. After <br /> completion of work, the street should be reviewed for damage, and the Contractor should be <br /> required to repair any damage deemed to be caused by site work. <br /> 1.3 Work within public right-of-way must be coordinated with the Public Works Department. <br /> Contractor must provide a minimum 48 hour notice prior to any work being performed. Notes <br /> should be revised accordingly. <br /> 1.4 Final Plans must include a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)that meets NPDES <br /> requirements. The plan should include a rock construction entrance,perimeter silt fence,inlet <br /> protection,and ditch checks in swales. For specific requirements,refer to the following link: <br /> <br /> 1.5 A Demolition/Removals Plans should be included with Final Plans to ensure items slated for <br /> demolition are removed as proposed and required. The Removals Plans should include items <br /> north and south of the site to make the street connections. <br /> 1.6 Per the meeting of December 20th with the City, it is the City's understanding that the developer <br /> wishes to install a pressure system with lift station in lieu of what is depicted in the current plan <br /> set. A revised sanitary sewer plan must be submitted for review prior to final development <br /> approval. The plat should be revised to provide sufficient room for the lift station; including <br /> wet well,control panel and back-up generator; via the road ROW or a utility easement. The <br /> final design must conform to City standards and should include all pertinent City details. <br /> 1.7 The development will require the city to increase the capacity of Lift Station#9 which receives <br /> the sewage from the development area. The lift station is being remodeled/rehabilitated this <br /> coming year. Larger pumps sized to handle the increased demand from the development is <br /> expected to add$1000 to the lift station projected. That difference should be borne by the <br /> developer. <br /> 1.8 For the sewer line designated to be abandoned all pipes must be removed or filled such that no <br /> subsurface voids remain. For sanitary manholes designated to be abandoned,the covers,rings, <br /> castings and any other structure must be removed to a minimum of 4 feet below the <br /> surface. The remaining structure must be backfilled to ensure no subsurface voids. This work <br /> should be indicated on the Final Removals Plan. <br /> 1.9 The applicant will be required to obtain Minnehaha Creek Watershed District(MCWD) <br /> approval and permitting. A copy of any approvals or permits required should be submitted <br /> prior to Final Plat approval. <br /> 1.10 The applicant will be required to obtain a General Construction Permit(NPDES)to discharge <br /> stormwater associated with construction activity since more than 1 acre will be disturbed. A <br /> copy of the permit should be submitted prior to any land disturbing activity. <br /> 1.11 The applicant will be required to obtain a Sanitary Sewer Extension permit from the Minnesota <br /> Pollution Control Agency. A final copy of the permit should be submitted prior to <br /> construction. <br /> 1.12 The applicant will be required to submit a Maintenance Agreement for all stormwater <br /> management structures and facilities. The agreement should define maintenance <br /> responsibilities following completion of project, specify types and frequencies of inspection <br /> H:\ORNO\C13115486\z-18-3999 Brackets Point\Southways_PrePlatReview-1_2018-01-09.dont <br /> Bolton&Menk is an equal opportunity employer. <br />