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• <br /> Ovir3.410 CITY of ORONO <br /> a1 `°\ 9I RESOLUTION 071.11Ty COUNCIL <br /> WHE EAS, the Orono City Council reviewed the proposed lot line <br /> rearrangement at a regular meeting held on November 25, 2013 and makes the following <br /> findings with regards to the proposed lot line rearrangement: <br /> FINDINGS <br /> 1. This application was reviewed as Zoning File#13-3640. <br /> 2. The 20 Parcel contains 2.05 total acres of which 0.83 acres is dry buildable land; and the <br /> 30 Parcel contains 3.69 total acres of which 3.56 acres is dry buildable land. <br /> 3. The 20 ParcI contains a small home and detached garage. This property was recently <br /> connected to City sewer. <br /> 4. The 30 Parcel is served by a private septic system and contains an existing home and a <br /> barn. 1 <br /> 5. This application contemplates a lot line rearrangement to move the common lot line <br /> between the 20 Parcel and the 30 Parcel east 98 feet resulting in transferring 0.56 acres <br /> of dry builda Ie land and the barn from the 30 Parcel to the 20 Parcel. <br /> 6. Following the lot line rearrangement the 20 Parcel will have 1.39 acre in dry buildable <br /> area, and th�30 Parcel will have 3.0 acres in dry buildable area. <br /> 7. Resolution No. 4836 granted a CUP to the 30 Parcel to allow the keeping of 3 horses <br /> where there was insufficient dry acreage available for pasture base on City code <br /> requirements. <br /> 8. As a resultf this application the legal description of the 30 Parcel will be modified. The <br /> 30 Parcel ill no longer meet the conditions outlined within Resolution No. 4836. <br /> Therefore esolution No. 4836 shall be extinguished. <br /> 9. Because th is a lot line rearrangement which results in no additional lots, no park fee or <br /> stormwater runk fee will be required. <br /> 10. Dedication f drainage and utility easements along the new common lot line are to be <br /> granted as hown on the survey dated 10/17/13 and revised 10/20/13. <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br />