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. 0.4? <br /> O . O CITY of ORONO <br /> a `� RESOLUTION OFT I Y COUNCIL <br /> . f ' i c'' NO. <br /> kEsHo4 <br /> CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon one or more of the <br /> findings noted above, the City Council of the City of Orono hereby grants the lot line <br /> rearrangement of the above referenced properties based on the lot line rearrangement survey <br /> dated 10/17/13 and revised 10/29/13 by Gronberg and Associates, Inc., attached as Exhibit A; <br /> and hereby extinguishes the CUP granted to the 30 Parcel via Resolution No. 4836, subject to <br /> the following conditions: <br /> 1. The Applicants shall file the appropriate deeds reflecting the new legal descriptions <br /> (subject to City Attorney approval) with the Hennepin County Recorder's Office and/or <br /> Registrar of Titles Office on or before November 25, 2014, or the approval granted by <br /> this resolution shall expire. <br /> 2. The Applicants shall grant drainage and utility easements along the new common lot line <br /> are to be granted as shown on the survey dated 10/17/13 and revised 10/20/13. <br /> Adopted by the City Council of Orono, Minnesota this 25th day of November, 2013. <br /> I• <br /> , .., :,' - .‘ = ,;. i.:., . 1.: .• ' i - ./.4). . i, /j2, , IfIfi 11,4 kiL <br /> • Raohiel;Dodge•, City�Clerk-' 4 Lili Tod McMillan, Mayor <br /> Page 3 of 3 <br />