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F g <br />E Al <br />CITY OF Wit: <br />.S- OT 7 r <br />Illll.r I..•u r •. w,,., „IY <br />�w 11 r I.,m head Form No. 27-%1 Manu.«ux 1 nl/�w rn I.,n,.I�n. lu{ exbni.�i i�111 <br />IuJhlJur.1 lu InJ„Wu�l <br />:3'7G:1f;41' <br />*tata:bis debenture, lhell, 1`111, I tl , 0;•ell,,, "art 1•-. <br />1`1`1`1`,,,,. <br />I, „ Percy C. Duehn and Julia f, Due hn, Hus hand and 'A fe <br />r.e <br />/ <br />j rte. t',.unfyr11 Hennepin and State 'If Minnesota <br />pent iesufllu /ir..t l,lrt.11l+11 Leo Farl nuehn <br />re/Ih. t'euentyIIf Hennepir nnetStalerr/ Minnesota <br />p,lrl'I ,, the .,rued part. <br />Wlhlell{eth. That the x11111 parties u/ ties, /lrxt pelrt, in r•unxidrrati(,n u/ the- xunl a/ <br />r)n, dol lar and ether good and Auable consideration ($1,04) 1)U AF, I..4H.S. <br />temthe, <br />11„• ., el; <br />Is) hin hand paid by l hr xnir/ p11rN u/ t hr• xrrur+,l part, the rrrr•ipl n'hrrr•rr/ ix hereby <br />arknmilr11f,(I.(it, herrb•yOran t, Narfuin,uuitelaim,anel t•nnr•ry ler+if) the raid poorly a/ the <br />xerur+.ol purl, his heirx and oxxifnx, Furerer, all the, frn,•f or parcel u/ loor+d lying and <br />I—inj! in the tbunly (I/ Hennenin and State o/.Nine+rxota, described fix fdiou•x, to-u•it: <br />The fast 256.4 feet of the followinn de,crihed pronert,17 That part of the Southeast 1/4 <br />of the %ortheast 1/4of C. 7-117-23 described ;)s follows: Reninnino at a point on the <br />East line of the Southeast -1/4�o the `lortheast 1/1i of saie Sec. 7 distant 199.4 feet <br />'Jort!i of the Southeast corner thereof- thence West parallel with the South line of said <br />;nutheast 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 a distance of 260.x)3 feet- thence Horth parallel withthe <br />East line of said Southeast 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 a distance of 174.83 feet to the actual <br />noint of beninnino of land to be described thence cnntinuinq North on said last <br />descrihed line a distance of 135.09 feet to a point, said point lyinn 260,18 feet ','est of <br />the Last line of said Southeast 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 and on a line parallel with the <br />North line of Sec. 7' thence continuing West alono said last described line a distance of <br />426.yo feet rx)re or less. to the Fasterly line of County Road No, 151: thence South- <br />easteriv along the Easterly line of said rounty Road a distance of 111.15 feet' thence <br />East narallel with the 'forth line of said Sec. 7 a distance of 146.53 feet: thence at <br />rinht annles South 24.0 feet: thence at rinht angles East and parallel with the 'forth <br />line of Sec. 7 a distance of 272.0 feet to the actual pnint of heninninq. <br />