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Resolution 928
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 0900 - 0999 (April 13, 1978 - February 27, 1979)
Resolution 928
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11/16/2015 10:37:42 AM
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11/16/2015 10:37:42 AM
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GORDON R. COFFIN <br />LAND SURVEYOR AND PLANNER <br />3025 WATERTOWN ROAD <br />. LONG LAKE. MINN. 55356 <br />473-4141 <br />12-15-77 <br />Descriptions for Leo E. Ouehn <br />in the Northeast IA of Section 7-11'I-23 <br />South parcel <br />That part of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 7, Township <br />117 North, Rdn�_e 23 West of the 5th Princlnat Meridian, described as fol Lows: <br />Begir_r.inf ata ,point or, the East line of sa--' Southeast quarter of the North ast <br />quart::r di-tant 199.4 feet PNorth from the SouthcLst corner of said Southe:,st quar- <br />ter of the Northoast quarter;L`nenee North along; oaia k,ast Line a distance of <br />306.2 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as "Point A11; thence west parallel <br />with the 'orth line of said ;ectinn 7 tc t�,o centerl,.no of County ttoad h(). 1>l; <br />thence Southerly nlonf, said centerline to its intersection with a line drawn West <br />tnrouF;h the Doint, of de;!innii.F. parallel with the South line of said+ Southeast <br />quarter o the- Norther,st quarter; thence East to the pclint of beginning;, EXCEPT <br />thy; Last 260 feet thereof, <br />Ai,kk EXCE?T that part of the Porth 135 feet of said -property lying ast of a lire <br />hereinafter referred to as "gine All, said 11;,ine 0 beinf; described as follows: <br />Corunencing, at said "Point A"; thance West parallel with the Pjortrl line of said <br />Secticr; 7 a distance of 519.4 feet to the point of bagir.nink; of said 11Line A"; <br />• thence deflecting; left 90 degrees to the South line of said North 13> feet, <br />and said 11"ine A" there engin,,, <br />AwO EXCEPT the North 105 feet of that part of said property lying 'Nest of said <br />"Line All. <br />i;ort_hRarcel <br />That part of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of ;vection 7, Township <br />117 North, Range 23 West of the >th Principal Ferician, described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the Fast line of said Southeast quarter of the Northeast <br />quarter distant 199.4 feet North from the Southeast corner of said Southeast quar- <br />ter of the North-ast quarte: thence North along said East line a distance of <br />306.2 feet to a point hereinafter referred to z,s "Point All; thence gest par,liai <br />with the North line of said Section 7 to trio centerline of County Road No. 151; <br />thence Southerly along said centerline to its intersection with a line drawn 'west <br />through the point of beginning parallel with the South line of said southeast <br />quarter of the northeast quarter; thence :vast to the ;-tint of beg iruiint;, EXCEPT <br />the Fast 260 feet thereof, <br />A17ASC a,*CEPT that part of said property lyinC South of the Porth 135 feet thereof <br />and East of a line hereinafter referred to as 111,ine A'1, said ";,ine A1' being:; des- <br />cribes as follows: <br />Commencing at said "Point A"; thence West parallel with the North line of said <br />Section 7 a distance of 518.4 feet to the point of beginn.ini of said "i,ine All; <br />thence c'.eflecting left 90 deErees to the South line of said above-described <br />property, and said I'Line A11 there ending, <br />• ALSO EXCEPT that part of said property 1.yint; South of the 'worth 105 feet thereof <br />and '.lest of said t':,ine A". <br />
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