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Resolution 905
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 0900 - 0999 (April 13, 1978 - February 27, 1979)
Resolution 905
Entry Properties
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11/16/2015 10:11:33 AM
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11/16/2015 10:11:33 AM
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• 6. No use of the property will be allowed in 1978, <br />except for the showing of movies in the evenings, residentual <br />uses, or use by the church if.a permit is first issued by the <br />City of Orono. <br />7. The Northwest Cinema Corporation will adhere to <br />all other regulations of the city and all conditions of opera- <br />tions for 1978, as shown in Resolution No. 898, adopted on <br />April 13, 1978, except for paragraph 24 thereof, which is <br />modified by the terms of this agreement. <br />8. There shall be no use of the property in 1979 <br />for theatre purposes unless the permanent fence as specified <br />in paragraph 1 above is first completed around the entire <br />perimeter of the property. <br />9. Because Northwest Cinema Corporation has repre- <br />sented to the city that it intends to terminate the use of <br />this property as a theatre in 1978, and therefore does not <br />wish to construct the perimeter fence all around the property <br />in 1978, the City of Orono has agreed to the above modifications. <br />However, because the city is not now requiring a fence all the <br />way around the perimeter as has been recommended by the Chief <br />of Police and the City Council, the City of Orono will and <br />does reserve the right to require additional fencing in 1978, <br />• if it is found after a public hearing that the fences required <br />by this agreement are not sufficient to protect the health, <br />safety and welfare of the citizens of Orono, or the patrons <br />attending the drive-in or the police personnel called to <br />assist at the drive-in. <br />10. This agreement in no way grants any continuing <br />rights to Northwest Cinema Corporation. <br />11. This agreement must be signed by the applicant, <br />by all persons who have any legal or equitable interest in <br />the subject property, except the mortgagee. <br />12. If after operations have commenced, there appears <br />to be a problem with parking on Blaine and Northern Avenue as <br />determined by the Chief of Police of the City of Orono, then <br />Northwest Cinema Corporation shall at its expense and subject <br />to.direction of the Chief of Police of the City of Orono, install <br />the necessary parking signs along Blaine Avenue and Northern <br />Avenue to prohibit parking during the hours of the operation <br />of the theatre. <br />13. If after operations commenced, <br />temporary fence <br />that people are congregating outside.ofthe <br />to the rear of or to the western side of the theatre property <br />• during the operations, and using those areas for parties, etc. <br />
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