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during those time periods, then Northwest Cinema Corporation shall <br />• have its off-duty officers patrol those areas to control and <br />eject people that are so located and if such a procedure is not <br />sufficient, then additional fencing may be required. <br />14. Northwest Cinema Corporation shall install a fence <br />or a chain across that portion of the northern boundary of the <br />property running from the railroad right-of-way along Blaine <br />Avenue in such a way as to prohibit all the vehicular passage <br />into or out of the property. <br />William B. VanNest, Mayor <br />Attest: <br />Walter 'R: P16nson, <br />Clerk/AdnXnistrator <br />The undersigned have reviewed the foregoing draft <br />Resolution, including Resolution No. 898 which is incorporated <br />therein by reference. Solely for the purpose of avoiding <br />further costly litigation including the pending action brought <br />• by Northwest Cinema Theatre Corporation for a temporary injunction <br />against the City of Orono and others, Hennepin County District <br />Court file no. 745806, Northwest has agreed to construct the <br />fences and implement the various operational procedures described <br />Resolution No. 898 as amended by Paragraphs 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12, <br />13 and 14 above. It is further understood by Northwest Cinema <br />that the foregoing compromise agreement shall be construed to <br />neither grant any continuing rights to Northwest Cinema nor to <br />diminish any legal rights which Northwest Cinema may possess. <br />Northwest Cinema through its officers has represented to the <br />City of Orono that it is attempting to sell the Navarre Drive <br />In Theatre property. However, no acceptable offers for purchase <br />have been received at the date hereof. <br />RTHWES7 CINEMA THEATRE <br />/ CORPORATION <br />rvingBra erman, President <br />I D - vv -- <br />D. Randall Blohm, Secretary <br />Adopted by the City Council of the City of Orono, Minnesota at a <br />• regular meeting held Play 11, 1978. <br />