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Resolution 905
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 0900 - 0999 (April 13, 1978 - February 27, 1979)
Resolution 905
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11/16/2015 10:11:33 AM
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11/16/2015 10:11:33 AM
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• A panel of at least four feet by six feet shall be shown to <br />and approved by Alan Olson of the City of Orono prior to the <br />acquisition of and construction of the permanent fence. Alan <br />Olson shall determine whether or not that panel meets the <br />material and opaqueness requirements. <br />2. Northwest Cinema shall construct a temporary fence <br />of galvinized chain link wire mesh, similar to those used in <br />construction sites, which wire mesh will start at the ground <br />level and'continue to a height of at least six feet, which <br />fence must have sturdy posts on at least eight foot centers, <br />the wire mesh shall be attached at least to the posts at the <br />ground level, at the middle and at the top of the wire mesh <br />in such a manner to insure that the wire mesh cannot be lifted <br />from the ground to allow passage through the fence. <br />The temporary fence shall commence at a point where the perma- <br />nent fence along Blaine Avenue terminates, thence across the <br />rear of the property in a manner to exclude the last two rows <br />of speakers on the property, to the west boundary of the prop- <br />erty, but no further than 5 feet east from the existing row of <br />trees along the west boundary of the property; thence the <br />fence shall continue along the west boundary of the property <br />to the existing movie screen and there terminating, as shown <br />on Exhibit A. A panel of at least 4 feet by 6 feet of the <br />• proposed galvinized chain link wire mesh fence shall be shown <br />to and approved by Alan Olson of the City of Orono prior to the <br />acquisition of and construction of the temporary fence. Alan <br />Olson shall determine whether or not that panel meets the material <br />and other requirements as set forth herein. <br />3. The construction of a temporary fence similar to <br />one as specified in paragraph 2 above, commencing at a point <br />where the Kuhlburg fence terminates, thence to the existing <br />fence around the city water tower, there terminating, as shown <br />on Exhibit A. <br />4. All of the above fences shall be constructed and <br />maintained at all times of the year during operation of the <br />theatre that people cannot pass through the fence, <br />so that the fences are aesthetically pleasing, and in the case <br />of the wooden fence, so that all boards are maintained like a <br />new fence. <br />S. No operations of the theatre will be allowed until <br />all fences as noted above are completed, inspected by the City <br />of Orono, and approved by the City of Orono as meeting the <br />requirements of this agreement. In the event, however, that <br />construction of the required fence has commenced before Friday, <br />May 19, 1978, the theatre may be operated during the week -end of <br />• May 19-21, 1978, but shall not be operated further until said <br />fences are completed. The City agrees to inspect the fences <br />promptly upon completion. <br />
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