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Resolution 901
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 0900 - 0999 (April 13, 1978 - February 27, 1979)
Resolution 901
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11/16/2015 10:09:46 AM
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11/16/2015 10:09:45 AM
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• <br />Page 4 <br />The City found that alternate A in the addendum to the engineering <br />report best exemplified the position of the City in being consistent <br />with its Comprehensive Sewer Plan and its Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />The City did point out that the flows and the designated service area <br />of the Orono -Long Lake -interceptor as shown in the adeendum to the <br />engineering report, were not consistent with the Comprehensive Land <br />Use Plan and the Comprehensive Sewer Plan of the City. It pointed ou; <br />that the designated sewer service area was not consistent with the <br />action taken by the Metropolitan Council in August 'of 1976 removing <br />Maple Plain and certain areas within the City of Medina. <br />November 26, 1976: The City received its preliminary Systems Statement <br />as required under the mandatory Land Planning Act. The City's <br />primary concern was the location of the M.U.S.A. line which was not <br />shown to be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. <br />From November 26 through March 11, the City held many meetings with <br />the Waste Control Commission staff and the Metropolitan Council staff <br />reviewing and proposing changes in the design of the Orono -Long Lake <br />interceptor, the City's Comprehensive Sewer Plan and the Metropolitan <br />Council's System Statement. <br />March 11, 1977: On this date, a meeting was held with the PCA, MWCC, <br />Metropolitan Council, and the City staff. This meeting was a <br />culmination of the negotiations that we had had since November of 197E <br />and final agreement was reached on the following items: <br />1. The flows for the Orono -Long Lake interceptor would-be reduced <br />to be consistent with the Orono Comprehensive Sewer Plan. <br />C2. Designated sewer service area of the Orono -Long Lake interceptor <br />would be reduced so that it would be consistent with the Orono <br />Comprehensive Sewer Plan and the direction of the Metropolitan <br />Council's action of August of 1976. <br />
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