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Page 5 0. <br />a 'J <br />• 3. The Metropolitan Council's staff would recommend changes to the <br />development framework moving the 2i.U.S.A. line so that it would <br />be consistent with Orono's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. <br />It was further agreed by all present that the Metropolitan Waste <br />Control Commission would draft a new addendum to the engineering <br />report for the Orono -Long Lake interceptor reflecting the reduction <br />in flows and the designated sewer service area for final approval <br />before the construction of the interceptor itself. The Metropolitan <br />Council staff agreed that it would further amend its review of the <br />Orono Comprehensive Sewer Plan and the Systems Statement reflecting <br />the change and the designated sewer service area of the interceptor <br />as well as the change in the M.U.S.A. line itself. <br />April, 1977: The -City revised and resubmitted its October 1976 Comprehensi <br />Sewer Plan in April, 1977. Changes were rased on requests of the <br />I-mCC and Metro Council staff made during.the review process, and as a <br />result ofour -final-agreement reached at the March 11, 1977 meeting. C <br />important change in the redraft, made at the request of the MWCC and <br />2ietro Council staff, was to modify the scope of our plan, from a <br />projection to the year 2000, to a projection to only 1990. All referenc <br />beyond 1990 were removed with the understanding that the interceptor <br />design was to only accommodate sewer flows from the sewer service area: <br />as defined on the sewer service area Haps #2 & #8 contained in the Oroi <br />Comprehensive Sewer Plan. <br />