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Resolution 5489
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5489
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11/5/2015 12:45:54 PM
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11/5/2015 12:45:54 PM
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0 0 <br />a CITY of ORONO <br />ti <br />ti <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY'COUNCIL <br />So4�G NO. 5 48 9 <br />kEI; <br />CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon one or more of the <br />findings noted above, the City Council of the City of Orono hereby denies the lot area variance <br />requested for Lot 1, Block 1, Blue Hill; denies the requested lot area variance for the <br />combination of Lot 1, Block 2, Dragonfly Hill and Outlot A, Blue Hill; and grants Preliminary <br />Plat Approval for the proposed plat per the Preliminary Plat survey/drawing by Mark S. <br />Gronberg of Gronberg & Associates, Inc. dated June 2, 2006 and attached hereto as Exhibit A, <br />subject to the following conditions: <br />1. The above variance denials will become invalid if the Developers and Seller formally <br />withdraw the lot area variance requests prior to September 4, 2006. <br />2. No building permits will be allowed for either of the two new Lots resulting from the <br />subdivision until such time that lot area variances are granted for each of the said Lots. <br />• 3. Access to the new Lot at 1401 Shoreline Drive shall be from Orono Lane as depicted on <br />the preliminary plat, and said Lot shall be assigned an Orono Lane address upon <br />completion of the platting process. <br />4. The two resulting Lots shall not be subject to park dedication requirements or to <br />stormwater and drainage trunk fees. <br />5. Upon completion of the platting requirements, the Developers and the City shall take the <br />necessary steps to extinguish the Special Lot Combination between Lot 1, Block 1, Blue <br />Hill and Outlot A, Blue Hill. , <br />FINAL PLAT SUBMITTALS <br />The following list of final submittals must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator prior to the <br />regularly scheduled Council meeting on the second and fourth Mondays of the month. These <br />submittals are as follows: <br />1. Recordplat drawings in the form of two (2) mylar copies (one copy for the City's <br />records and one for filing with Hennepin County) and one (1) copy reduced to 1" <br />is <br />= 200'. Drawing to include: <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />
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