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Resolution 5489
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5489
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/5/2015 12:45:54 PM
Creation date
11/5/2015 12:45:54 PM
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0 0 <br />CITY of ORONO <br />JANti <br />ti <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY -COUNCIL <br />`gkES0 NO. 5 48 9 <br />functional relationship between Lot 1 and Outlot A dubious at best, and makes <br />actual use of Outlot A by any owner of Lot 1 both impractical and unsafe. <br />Further, the opportunity exists to make reasonable use of Outlot A by attaching it <br />to an adjacent contiguous parcel of land, to enhance the buildability of and allow <br />for safer access for said adjacent parcel, which Council in 1982 determined was <br />likely buildable even without the addition of adjacent lands. The Council finds <br />that the circumstances surrounding this application are unique, and that similar <br />situations within the City are rare or nonexistent, such that the precedent -setting <br />aspects of approving the proposed division/combination are minimal. <br />9. The Developers and Seller have provided only conceptual plans and site planning <br />for a home at 1401 Shoreline Drive. Neighboring property owners have <br />expressed valid concerns about the impacts that development of the 1401 <br />Shoreline Drive site with a new residence will have on their neighborhood. <br />Council finds that due to concerns about the impact of development of a home at <br />. this site related to its potential impact on the adjoining Orono Lane neighborhood <br />with regards to screening of traffic visibility and traffic noise, it would be <br />premature to grant a lot area variance for the property until a formal complete <br />proposal for actual development of the site is presented, at which time the issues <br />of noise and visual screening, drainage, etc. can be more thoroughly addressed. <br />10. Because Lot 1, Block 1, Blue Hill will no longer be attached via Special Lot <br />Combination to Outlot A, a lot area variance is technically required for Lot 1. <br />However, the applicant has not submitted a proposed site plan or house plans for <br />that lot .and has not provided sufficient information for the granting of such <br />variance, and it would be premature to grant that variance application at this time. <br />11. In order to effectuate the plat, the Developers and the City will have to take the <br />necessary steps to extinguish the Special Lot Combination between Lot 1, Block <br />1, Blue Hill and Outlot A, Blue Hill. <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />
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