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O 4 <br />i CITY of ORONO <br />ti <br />RESOLUTION OF THE.CIT $COUNCIL <br />�kESI30 NO. 9 . <br />A. Lot lines platted per preliminary plat survey/drawing by Mark S. Gronberg <br />dated June 2, 2006 attached hereto as Exhibit A, except as modified <br />herein. <br />B. Dedication of "drainage and utility easements" 10' along exterior property <br />lines and 5' along interior property lines. <br />C. Naming of plat. <br />2. Legal documents required: <br />A. Title opinion addressed to the City or a title insurance policy in favor of <br />the City. All owners, mortgage holders or others with property interest <br />indicated therein shall sign the plat and all other documents affected by <br />such interest. <br />• B. The applicants must provide certified copies of all recorded easements <br />currently affecting the property. <br />• <br />3. Plat approval fees to be paid: Total due: <br />A. Final plat fee = $280.00 <br />B. Legal review & filing fees for subdivision and associated documents: <br />$250.00 <br />Adopted by the City Council of the City of Orono, Minnesota at a regular meeting <br />held this 24th day of July, 2006. <br />ATTEST: <br />Linda S. Vee, City Clerk Barbara A. Peterson, Mayor <br />Page 7 of 8 <br />