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• <br />0 <br />CITY of OR0NO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 5 48 9 <br />6. The resulting lots would exhibit the following buildability characteristics: <br />Proposed 1391 Fox Street (RR -1B Zone): <br />Required Principal Structure Setbacks: <br />Front (North) - 50' <br />Side (East) - 30' <br />Rear (South) - 50' <br />Side Street (West) - 50' <br />Buildable Area Within Setbacks: 135' + wide x 150' + deep 34,000 s.f. + <br />Allowable Hardcover (500-1000' zone): 35% = 27,000 + s.f. <br />Allowable Structural Lot Coverage: 15% = 11,900 s.f. <br />Proposed 1401 Shoreline Drive (LR -1A Zone): <br />Required Principal Structure Setbacks: <br />Lake (South) - 75' <br />Side Street (West, along CR 15) - 50' <br />Side (East) - 30' <br />Rear (North, Orono Lane frontage) - 50' <br />Buildable Area Within Setbacks: 11,000 s.f. + <br />Allowable Hardcover: 0-75' Zone'(16,350 s.f. 0% = 0 s.f. <br />75-250' Zone (31,250 s.f. +): 25% = 7,800 s.f. + <br />250-500' Zone (2,300 s.f +): 30% = 690 s.f. + <br />Allowable Structural Lot Coverage: 15% x 49,900 = 7,485 s.f. <br />The shape and topography of the lot and the buildable area due to the location of <br />County Road 15 are limiting factors in developing this site, which will present <br />challenges in terms of house footprint size and shape, orientation and height of <br />house and garage. The driveway access must be to Orono Lane per Hennepin <br />County, which adds length to the driveway and potentially limits house size based <br />on hardcover limits. However, the site has characteristics which suggest a <br />substantial house could be designed that would meet the required setbacks, height, <br />hardcover and structural coverage standards. <br />8. Council finds that despite the prior City Council's intention in 1994 to. make Lot <br />1, Block 1, Blue Hill meet the 2 -acre standard by permanently attaching it to <br />Outlot A, Blue Hill via a Special Lot Combination, that approval essentially <br />granted a lot area variance to Lot 1, Block 1. Further, the more than 200 -foot <br />separation of the two parcels across a railroad corridor and a County highway <br />with traffic counts in excess of 20,000 vehicles per day, without any traffic <br />control to allow for safe pedestrian crossing, are factors which make the <br />Page 4 of 8 <br />