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Resolution 6536 - Not Fully Executed
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6536 - Not Fully Executed
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/27/2015 8:37:30 AM
Creation date
10/27/2015 8:36:42 AM
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SH <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. <br />12. Because existing Kintyre Lane is a private road which will soon become <br />completely under control of a homeowners association rather than guided by the <br />developer of Kintyre Two, an agreement between the Developer and the owners <br />of Kintyre Lane will be required to establish maintenance responsibilities for the <br />extension of Kintyre Lane. <br />13. Each proposed lot contains at least 2.0 acres of dry buildable land and has a <br />proposed building site meeting the RR -1B setback standards (50' front and rear, <br />30' sides). Lots 1, 2, 3, and 7 meet the 200 -foot width requirement; Lots 4, 5, and <br />6 abut the proposed cul-de-sac and are respectively 170 feet, 63 feet, and 100 feet <br />in width at the 50 -foot front setback line, but widen to 200 -feet or more at the <br />suggested house locations, meeting side setback requirements. This does not <br />impact the buildability of these three lots, but does have an impact on potential <br />house locations. <br />14. The Developer has proposed a grading plan that includes the creation of a new <br />road and stormwater management facilities as well as proposed future grading to <br />establish individual pads creating "new existing grades" for house placement on <br />all 7 lots. The proposed pad grading shall occur at the time individual building <br />permits are issued. <br />15. The preliminary plat indicates minimal stormwater management facilities will be <br />required, and the proposed stormwater management system has been preliminarily <br />approved by the City Engineer. All stormwater management shall be subject to <br />MCWD requirements and approvals. The property will be subject to the <br />Stormwater and Drainage Trunk Fee for 6 new 2 -acre lots at $7,680 per Iot. Total <br />fee will be $46,080. <br />16. The Parks, Trails and Open Space element of the Orono Community Management <br />Plan (CMP) has no current plans for parks that specifically require dedication of <br />park land from this property. No land for a public park is required, in part due to <br />the remoteness of the developing area from public roads. <br />17. The City Code requires dedication of 8% of the land as public park, or payment of <br />the equivalent value in cash. Payment of the standard Park Dedication fee for 5 <br />new building lots would be appropriate, as the site contains two existing homes on <br />two separate tax parcels. Based on the combined estimated land -only market <br />Page 4 of 11 <br />
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