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Resolution 6536 - Not Fully Executed
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6536 - Not Fully Executed
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Last modified
10/27/2015 8:37:30 AM
Creation date
10/27/2015 8:36:42 AM
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CITY OF ORONG <br />a� RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />tO leh <br />k4tiG~ N O. 6 5 36 <br />silo <br />value of the land being developed at $1,163,000 or $166,000 per lot, the value of <br />each newly created lot will be in excess of the threshold value of $69,375.00; <br />therefore, the park fee maximum of $5,550 per lot will be triggered, for a total <br />Park fee based on 5 new building lots of $27,750. <br />18. The developer has submitted a Conservation Design Report and Master Plan <br />prepared by Svoboda Ecological Resources dated June 27, 2015 that inventories <br />and describes in detail the environmental features of the site, defining what <br />natural values of the site should be preserved or enhanced and how that should <br />occur. In general, the development will maintain the rural character consistent <br />with the surrounding neighborhood, Wetlands and drainage patterns will be <br />maintained, and long views into the site will not be significantly disrupted. <br />Applicant has arranged the site to preserve three of the four noted significant tree <br />stands; the fourth, comprised of introduced conifers near the south end of the site <br />around the existing residence, will be impacted by road construction. A vegetation <br />management plan spells out a variety of actions to be taken with regard to wetland <br />buffer areas, buckthorn, and reed canary grass. The suggested Master Plan <br />management guidelines will be incorporated into the development agreement and <br />covenants to assure adherence. <br />19. All proposed lots have been tested and found capable of providing suitable <br />primary and alternate sites for on-site sewage treatment systems. For all lots, <br />mound systems will be required. While in some lots the mound systems will <br />encroach a required 75 -foot wetland buffer, all mound systems will maintain the <br />required 50 -foot setback from delineated wetland boundaries, with the apparent <br />exception of Lot 7 for which an alternate site must be provided that meets the 50' <br />setback. Special precautions, including but not limited to protective covenants as <br />well as physical barriers during construction activity, must be taken to protect <br />these sites on both a short-term and long-term basis, as municipal sewers are not <br />projected to be extended to serve this area of Orono. <br />20. All proposed lots will contain suitable area meeting all established setback and <br />location requirements to allow the construction of single family residences. <br />Page 5of11 <br />
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