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RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6526 <br />6. Developer shall execute the standard Covenant for Protection of Drainfield Sites. Special <br />precautions including physical barriers during construction activity, shall be taken to <br />protect these sites on both a short-term and long-term basis. <br />7. Approval is subject to Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) approval and <br />permits as required. Final plat approval shall not be granted until the Developer has <br />provided evidence that all required MCWD permits and approvals have been obtained. <br />8. Approval is subject to Hennepin County approval and access permits as required. Any <br />changes required by Hennepin County to the proposed location of access points onto <br />Sixth Avenue North shall be subject to further City review and approval prior to final plat <br />approval. <br />9. Vehicular access to the Lots shall be as follows: <br />a. Access to Lots 1, 2, and 3 Block 2 shall be individual driveways onto Hunter <br />Drive, with final driveway locations subject City Engineer/Public Works Director <br />approval in order to meet minimum sight distance requirements. <br />b. Access to Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 1, shall be a private road to be <br />constructed within Outlot E by the Developer to provide access to Sixth Avenue North. <br />The private road shall make use of the existing 20' paved driveway serving the existing <br />house from Sixth Avenue North to approximately the north boundary of proposed Lot 4, <br />Block 1, then a new road being 24' in paved width shall be extended northward to a cul- <br />de-sac to be located abutting Lot 5, Block 1 per the plans attached hereto as Exhibit B. <br />Access to Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 1 shall be via a road extension not less than 20 feet in <br />paved width to the northern terminus of proposed Outlot E, then diverging into three <br />individual private driveways. Each of these three driveways shall maintain a clear <br />drivable lane of no less than 20 feet in width, and due to their individual lengths shall end <br />in a loop driveway at the residence location to allow for emergency and service vehicle <br />access. The road in Outlot E shall be subject to the standard Road, Drainage and Utility <br />Easements to be granted to the City. The Developer shall establish a homeowner's <br />association as well as the necessary road maintenance agreements, etc. to ensure that the <br />private road will be maintained to reasonable standards at all times by a homeowner's <br />association, and that failure of that private group to so maintain their private road will be <br />cause for the City to accomplish needed maintenance and to assess the benefited <br />properties for the direct cost of such maintenance. The private road shall be subject to a <br />"Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Private Roadway Easement" <br />Draft 7127115 MPG <br />Page 9of13 <br />