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Resolution 6526
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6526
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/27/2015 8:33:33 AM
Creation date
10/27/2015 8:32:28 AM
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CITY F, RO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />tiG~� <br />NO. 6 52 6 <br />,EsHo4 <br />of 1000 feet technically requires a length variance, which variance is justified by <br />the limited number of homes to be served and the lack of alternatives to the road <br />length based on the shape of the Property and the location of homes being served. <br />The Council finds that the private road segment that currently exists at a paved <br />width of 20 feet and serves as a mature tree -lined driveway for the existing <br />residence should be retained at its current width. This will maintain the rural <br />estate character provided by the existing trees which also provide a natural <br />backdrop and visual screening from Sixth Avenue North of the homes to be <br />constructed on Lots 1 through 4, Block 1. From the point at which the proposed <br />private road diverges from the existing driveway to the proposed cul-de-sac, the <br />private road shall be constructed at the standard width of 24 feet. <br />10. The private road will be subject to homeowner association ownership and <br />maintenance, and subject to an underlying Road, Drainage and Utility Easement <br />to be granted to the City, as well as a "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, <br />Restrictions and Private Roadway Easement" either as a separate document or <br />incorporated into the development covenants. The private shared driveway shall <br />be privately maintained but because it is serving just two homes, underlying City <br />easements shall not be required but a shared driveway easement and covenant <br />shall be established between the two lots being served. <br />11. The Developer has proposed to establish within the wooded lots a covenant for <br />tree protection that will allow only minimal tree removal in order to create <br />residence structures, accessory buildings, and ancillary facilities such as septic <br />systems, wells and driveways. Additionally, the covenants will establish "no -cut" <br />zones within these wooded lots, as well as requirements for tree replacement if <br />excessive tree removal occurs within the protected areas. The covenants are <br />proposed to be enforceable by the homeowners association and individual <br />homeowners within the association. <br />12. Each proposed lot contains at least 2.0 acres of dry buildable land and has a <br />proposed building site meeting the RR -1B setback standards (50' front and rear, <br />30' sides, and 100' from the OHWL of Mooney Lake). Proposed Lot 6 contains <br />an existing residence structure of which portions are located approximately 75 <br />feet from the OHWL; this residence will be considered as legally nonconforming <br />as to lakeshore setback, but if it is removed the replacement home will be <br />expected to comply with the 100' setback requirement. <br />Draft 7/27115 MPG <br />Page 4of13 <br />
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