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Resolution 6526
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6526
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/27/2015 8:33:33 AM
Creation date
10/27/2015 8:32:28 AM
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RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6526 <br />13. Seven of the eleven lots abut the shore of Mooney Lake and meet the required <br />200' minimum lot width requirement as measured at the shoreline (established by <br />OHWL 988.0' contour) and at the 100' lakeshore setback line. Proposed Lot 8, <br />Block 1 is not a lakeshore lot and has 59' of frontage on the private road outlot, <br />less than the required 200' frontage and technically requiring a lot width variance. <br />This variance is justified based on the rectangular shape of Lot 8 allowing for a <br />residence meeting all required setbacks, and based on the proposed driveway <br />configuration that allows for tree preservation. Proposed Lot 2, Block 1 is <br />considered as a back lot and will gain access via a 30' driveway outlot, meeting <br />the requirements for back lot access. <br />14. A stormwater quality (NURP) pond is proposed to be located within Lot 5, Block <br />1, which will receive a majority of the runoff from the proposed private road. <br />This ponding area will be subject a drainage & utility easement and does not <br />count for dry buildable acreage for Lot 5. All stormwater management shall be <br />subject to MCWD requirements and approvals, and shall provide for appropriate <br />stormwater retention per NPDES regulations. The property will be subject to the <br />Stormwater and Drainage Trunk Fee for 10 new lots (existing house lot is <br />excluded) at $7,680 per lot for a total fee of $76,800. <br />15. The Parks, Trails and Open Space element of the Orono Community Management <br />Plan (CMP) has no current plans for parks that specifically require dedication of <br />park land from this property. The CMP does map a potential future trail along <br />Sixth Avenue North but does not indicate whether that trail will be along the north <br />or south side of the road. The Orono Park Commission reviewed the proposed <br />subdivision at its July 6 meeting and recommended that a 10 -foot trail easement <br />be required along the south subdivision boundary. However, the Developer has <br />indicated that such an easement is not feasible at this time because the area that <br />would be encumbered is almost entirely within the two large outlots that are not <br />planned for development with this plat, and the Owner will not authorize the <br />granting of such an easement. Because dedication of land for park purposes is not <br />required at this location, a Park Dedication Fee in lieu of land per City Ordinance <br />would be appropriate. Absent a park land dedication, with 10 new building sites <br />being proposed (11"' is the existing residence), payment of the standard Park <br />Dedication fee for 10 new building lots would be required at the current <br />maximum rate of $5,550 per new lot, for a total fee of $55,500. <br />Draft 7!27/15 MPG <br />Page 5of13 <br />
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