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Resolution 6526
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6526
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/27/2015 8:33:33 AM
Creation date
10/27/2015 8:32:28 AM
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RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6526 <br />7. The Developer originally submitted a preliminary plat that included 2 proposed <br />lots abutting Hunter Drive and 4 lots within the heavily wooded Big Woods <br />remnant located north and west of the existing residence. This plan became <br />known as "Plan A". The Planning Commission tabled this initial plan after <br />holding the initial public hearing during which public commentary urged <br />preservation rather than segmentation of the Big Woods area. The Developer <br />proposed a revised plan, "Plan B", at the second Planning Commission hearing. <br />Plan B eliminated the most westerly of the 4 proposed Big Woods lots, replacing <br />it with a Yd lot in the prairie area abutting Hunter Drive. The Planning <br />Commission after reviewing Plan B on June 15 recommended unanimous <br />approval of Plan B. The City Council reviewed both Plans A and B on July 13 <br />and noted that the Developer indicated either Plan would be acceptable. The <br />Council finds that Plan B preserves a significantly greater number of trees and <br />results in significantly less segmentation of the Big Woods area than Plan A. The <br />Council additionally finds that addition of a Yd lot along Hunter Drive will have <br />only a limited negative impact on long views into the site, and that substantial <br />screening proposed by the Developer along the southeasterly boundary of that lot <br />will act to mitigate the negative visual impacts of a residence structure on that lot. <br />8. The Property contains a wide variety of natural features. A large area of <br />established prairie exists within the southerly 213 of the site, and is highly visible <br />from Sixth Avenue North. For many decades this open space has visually <br />`announced' to passersby that this is the boundary between rural Orono and more <br />urbanized Plymouth. In the north -central portion of the Property, a forested area <br />considered to be a Big Woods remnant, provides a backdrop to the prairie views. <br />The northeast quadrant of the Property is characterized by steep slopes, wetlands, <br />natural drainageways, and approximately 1500 feet of shoreline abutting Mooney <br />Lake. Mooney Lake is a Recreational Development lake classification and its <br />shores abut property in Medina and Plymouth as well. <br />9. The proposed plat includes eleven lots for single family residential development. <br />Three lots will be served via individual driveways accessing directly to Hunter <br />Drive. Two lots will gain access to Sixth Avenue North via a private shared <br />driveway extending north from the intersection of Sixth Avenue North and North <br />Ferndale Road. Six lots will be served by a private road extending northward <br />from Sixth Avenue North a distance of approximately 1200 feet to a cul-de-sac, <br />then extending an additional approximately 300 feet where it splits into three <br />individual driveways. The Council finds that the proposed road length in excess <br />Draft 7127115 MPG <br />Page 3 of 13 <br />
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