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CMP Part 2. Community Management Plan Foundation <br /> <br /> <br />City of Orono Community Management Plan 2020-2040 Part 2, Page 14 <br /> <br />4. The boundary between Orono's Urban and Rural areas is not strictly defined by <br />the MUSA boundary. The boundary between Orono's Urban and Rural areas is <br />defined by the density of development and level of public services intended to be <br />provided. Orono will not define its Urban and Rural areas based merely on whether <br />municipal sewer is provided. The MUSA boundary has been amended by the City in <br />the past to allow for retrofitting of existing Rural Area neighborhoods with municipal <br />sewer, to solve existing sewage treatment problems. In these areas, the zoning has not <br />changed to allow for additional development at urban densities, and urban services <br />other than sewer have not been provided. <br /> <br />5. Future expansions of the sewer system into the Rural Area to solve existing <br />neighborhood sewage treatment problems or along the lakeshore to avoid or <br />eliminate potential negative impacts on lake water quality will not result in a <br />reclassification of those neighborhoods from Rural to Urban. Expansion of the <br />sewer system into the Rural Area will not result in the provision of additional urban <br />services, nor will it result in changes to allowed development densities. <br /> <br />6. Additional urban development will occur only in the designated Urban Area. <br />Additional urban development will occur in the urbanized areas consistent with the <br />capacities of the existing urban services and at limited densities consistent with all <br />environmental constraints. <br /> <br />7. Additional rural development will occur in the designated Rural Area. Additional <br />rural residential and quasi-agricultural development can occur in the rural areas without <br />taxing the limited capacities of existing rural services. Rural development will occur at <br />limited densities consistent with self-supporting on-site sewer and water services and <br />with maintenance of natural amenities, open space and other rural community <br />characteristics. <br /> <br />8. Natural features and sensitive environments will be protected by ordinances based <br />upon extensive inventory, analysis and established environmental protection <br />guidelines. Natural resource information will be used and evaluated in review of all <br />significant land use developments. Ordinance provisions will be reasonably <br />established, fairly interpreted and strictly enforced. <br /> <br />9. Historically significant buildings, places and settings will be identified and <br />preserved. The character of Orono receives much of its identity from our unique <br />pattern of development. Individual sites provide a glimpse into the past and are a <br />valuable addition to Orono Character. These sites include the Orono Golf Course, and <br />the Pillsbury Summer House. Programs will be established to identify and help <br />preserve this heritage for future generations. Where necessary, special consideration <br />will be made to encourage retention of significant public or private amenities. <br /> <br />10. Housing programs will be pursued to provide safe, affordable homes for all <br />citizens. Housing opportunities will be provided for citizens of all ages and income