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CMP Part 2. Community Management Plan Foundation <br /> <br /> <br />City of Orono Community Management Plan 2020-2040 Part 2, Page 13 <br />1. The foremost guiding principle and goal of Orono's planning is to protect and preserve <br />Lake Minnetonka, and all Lakes and natural resources, its water quality, and its <br />recreational assets. This goal continues a commitment established half a century ago. <br />It includes preservation of the associated marshes, wetlands and natural drainageways <br />as the primary, most practical and cost efficient method of preventing flooding and of <br />filtering out the nutrient pollution from stormwater runoff. Maintaining a low-density <br />rural area away from the lake, and managing the quality of runoff that flows directly to <br />the lake, are important elements of this goal. <br /> <br />2. To retain the existing urban-rural land use pattern on a permanent basis. <br /> <br />3. To maintain our local character and identity. This local character is defined by <br />strong neighborhoods, preponderance of wildlife, open spaces, lakes, and <br />wetlands. <br /> <br />4. To protect and preserve our many natural resources including all lakes, creeks, <br />marshes, wetlands, woodlands, groundwater and steep slopes. <br /> <br />5. To preserve open space, light, air, and solar access for all citizens while <br />maintaining night sky. <br /> <br />6. To protect the general public health, safety and welfare through the development <br />of ordinances, policies, and infrastructure that provides safe, efficient streets and <br />neighborhoods, transportation alternatives, parks and opens spaces. <br /> <br />7. To guide investment and reinvestment in the City at densities consistent with <br />environmental protection and the planned land use pattern. The city’s focus is in <br />development and redevelopment is preservation of established character, rather <br />than the creation of a new character. <br /> <br />8. To protect the financial stability of the City, providing an adequate level of <br />services at efficient cost to the taxpayer. <br /> <br />Orono's Planning Policies <br />1. Future development will be guided to protect and enhance the Lake Minnetonka <br />watershed. Lake Minnetonka has local and regional significance as a vital ingredient <br />in human experience and in the quality of life of all Orono residents. No development <br />will be permitted that would have a detrimental effect on the Lake. <br /> <br />2. Urbanization will not be expanded into the existing rural areas. Orono's <br />Community Management Plan is not a staged growth plan, and therefore the Urban <br />area will not be expanded into the Rural Area. Urban services will not be expanded into <br />the Rural Area except when necessary to protect the public health, or to avoid or <br />eliminate negative impacts to surface and groundwaters. <br /> <br />3. The existing and planned Urban Area is fixed. Orono's Urban Area is fixed by the <br />various elements of the Community Management Plan, and is shown on Map 3B-1.