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CMP Part 2. Community Management Plan Foundation <br /> <br /> <br />City of Orono Community Management Plan 2020-2040 Part 2, Page 15 <br />levels either within Orono or within the adjacent town centers of Long Lake and Spring <br />Park where the necessary support services for a wider range of housing opportunities <br />are readily available. Rehabilitation programs will be identified and stressed to increase <br />the livability and energy efficiency of the existing housing stock. <br /> <br />11. Transportation facilities will be provided and improved consistent with local <br />service needs and with a coordinated program of area-wide transportation <br />priorities. Transportation planning will be sensitive to local land use and <br />environmental concerns, and to local service needs. Through traffic adds significant <br />traffic level through limited corridors through the lake region. The city will encourage <br />its transportation partners to develop and implement improvements and transportation <br />alternatives to ensure safe and efficient travel. Levels of maintenance will vary <br />between urban and rural areas. Alternative routings and alternative transportation <br />modes will be explored. <br /> <br />12. Programs and services will be coordinated between the many interrelated <br />governmental agencies. Orono will continue to pursue coordinated services with the <br />County, with adjacent municipalities, with the school districts and with specialized <br />districts such as lake conservation, watershed or joint powers districts, all for the <br />purpose of providing consistent, high quality services at affordable cost to the taxpayer. <br /> <br />13. Orono strives to establish a low profile governmental presence emphasizing <br />individual citizen responsibility rather than over- inclusive governmental <br />authority. Orono recognizes that the individual citizen often can do for himself more <br />quickly, efficiently and at lesser cost, things that in other areas are left to government <br />by default. It is here that the strength of the Orono citizens has its most direct benefit <br />in maintaining our rural, small-town vitality. <br /> <br />14. Orono will continue to emphasize active citizen participation in policy formation <br />and policy administration. Local meetings have always had the friendly, open-door <br />characteristic of New England Town Meetings. Communication with the residents, <br />both on general matters and on specific neighborhood development proposals, will <br />continue to be a priority policy of this Plan and of this City. Education will continue to <br />be a critical element in establishment and administration of City policies. <br /> <br />15. It is Orono's firm conviction that the goals, policies and programs outlined in this <br />CMP undeniably in the best interests of all Orono citizens, both current and <br />future. This Plan emphasizes full use of existing public services and facilities without <br />leap-frog expansion of unnecessary services into Orono's rural areas. This Plan <br />reinforces the national concern for energy conservation through retrofitting and <br />rehabilitation of existing structures, through coordinated transportation planning and <br />through emphasis on natural rather than mechanical solutions to storm water and waste <br />water treatment. This Plan emphasizes reliance on and efficient use of natural features <br />and existing services rather than arbitrary duplication of efforts between competing <br />municipalities. This Plan is built on understanding and acceptance of Orono's unique <br />location and environmental constraints. Working with these factors will improve our <br />quality of life; ignoring them would destroy it. This plan serves future residents of