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Orono Community Management Plan 2020-2040
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6900 - 6999 (September 24, 2018 - July 8, 2019)
Orono Community Management Plan 2020-2040
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7/3/2019 3:00:06 PM
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7/3/2019 2:37:26 PM
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CMP Part 2. Community Management Plan Foundation <br /> <br /> <br />City of Orono Community Management Plan 2020-2040 Part 2, Page 12 <br /> <br />Orono's managed growth policy means that the need to use and enjoy Lake Minnetonka will be balanced <br />with protection of its water quality and accessibility for future generations. This policy means that the <br />acceptance of growth and development changes will be balanced with conservation of our resources and <br />natural amenities, and maintenance of our small town social character. <br /> <br />Orono intends to remain two communities in one. The historically developed area around and near the <br />Lake Minnetonka shoreline has been called "Urban" because of historic developed density with lots <br />typically one acre in area or smaller and the availability of a limited level of urban services. The area away <br />from the Lake has been termed "Rural" because of the lack of density, the abundance of open space and <br />the citizens' commitment to maintain this type of development. The majority of Orono's 'Rural Area' has <br />been zoned to require a minimum of 2 acres of dry buildable land per residential lot, with an area in the <br />northwest corner of the City requiring at least 5 dry buildable acres. When wetlands and roads are factored <br />in, nearly 80% of the City’s land will be developed at densities averaging from approximately 1 unit per <br />3 gross acres up to 1 unit per 7 gross acres, sufficient to meet the City's environmental protection goals. <br />The Metropolitan Urban Service Area ("MUSA") was established by Metropolitan Council to define the <br />extent of areas where urban services will be provided and urban scale development will occur. As part of <br />its Metro 2040 Regional Growth Strategy developed in 1996, Metropolitan Council for discussion <br />purposes suggested that all but the northwestern tip of Orono will be in the MUSA by 2020. However, the <br />City Council in the City’s 2000-2020 CMP included a much smaller area within the MUSA to be <br />consistent with the extent of City-planned municipal sewer extensions, and to be consistent with the <br />development plans of our neighboring municipalities. <br /> <br />Map 3B-1in the Land Use Chapter depicts Orono's defined “Urban” areas (where zoning density will <br />range from 1 unit per acre to as many as 25 units per acre) and its “Rural” areas (where ultimate developed <br />density will range from 1 unit per 5 acres to 1 unit per 2 acres). Orono’s 2010-2030 MUSA as approved <br />by Met Council in 2008 reflect a clear intent to bring municipal sewer to lakeshore and shoreland areas <br />where needed, as well as to existing concentrations of population where septic systems may not be suitable <br />for the long-term. But most of all, Orono citizens have located the MUSA line and have defined the urban <br />and rural areas to be consistent with their plans for permanent use and development of the City. <br /> <br />COMMUNITY GOALS AND POLICIES <br /> <br />The goals and policies of this plan have met the test of time in Orono. The basic premise of maintaining <br />distinct urban and rural neighborhoods continues a hundred-year tradition. The commitment to <br />environmental preservation remains uppermost in the list of priorities of Orono's residents. The inter- <br />reliance of lake area communities for shopping and commercial needs, for housing variety and for <br />provision of basic public services is both historic and economically practical. <br /> <br />The following goals and policies reflect the basic philosophies of Orono. Goals and policies affecting <br />the entire City are grouped in an "overall" category. In addition, more detailed goals and policies are <br />separated under their appropriate "urban" or "rural" classification. Finally, each separate CMP chapter has <br />detailed goals and policies relating to that particular subject. <br /> <br />GENERAL GOALS AND POLICIES <br /> <br />Orono's Planning Goals
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