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���p CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> s�, G� No. 6907 <br /> `qKESH��� <br /> CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS: <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, based upon one or more of the above findings, <br /> the Orono City Council hereby grants Preliminary Plat Approval to allow the subdivision of the <br /> Property into two building lots and one outlot, as depicted on the preliminary plat drawing and <br /> grading plans dated 09/25/18 prepared by Gronberg and Associates, attached as Exhibit A, <br /> subject to the following conditions: <br /> 1) Approval is subject to Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (hereinafter the "MCWD") <br /> approval and permits as required. Final Plat approval shall not be granted until the Owners <br /> have provided evidence that all required MCWD permits have been obtained. <br /> 2) Approval is subject to Hennepin County approval of permits as required. Final Plat approval <br /> shall not be granted until the Owners have provided evidence that all required Hennepin <br /> County permits have been obtained. <br /> 3) The Owners shall address the engineering comments and conditions provided by City <br /> Engineer in a memo dated September 20, 2018 attached hereto as Exhibit B with the final <br /> development plan submittal. <br /> 4) No driveway connection over Lot 2 to the private driveway shared by Lot 2 and 2715 Pence <br /> Lane shall be provided for Lot 1 or any other lot. <br /> 5) The applicant will be required to obtain a General Construction Permit (NPDES) to discharge <br /> stormwater associated with construction activity since more than 1 acre will be disturbed. A <br /> copy of the coverage letter should be submitted prior to any land disturbing activity. <br /> 6) The common driveway shared by Lot 2 and 2715 Pence Lane shall be maintained to provide <br /> an acceptable driving surFace at all times. <br /> 7) Erosion control shall adhere to "Best Management Practices for Protecting Water Quality in <br /> Urban Areas" and to the approved SWPPP. All erosion controls as required by the City and <br /> the MCWD shall be in place prior to commencing grading and excavation on the site. All such <br /> erosion control measures shall be maintained in working order until the site is vegetated and <br /> stabilized. <br /> 8) The construction limits shall be clearly marked with adequate fencing to prevent any <br /> construction damage or disturbance of any trees and vegetation outside of the construction <br /> limits area. Owners shall identify trees to be preserved on site, shall mark them on a site plan, <br /> and shall take extraordinary measures such as fencing, signage, etc. to ensure they are not <br /> disturbed. <br /> 3 <br />