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03-09-1994 Planning Work Session
Agendas, Minutes & Packets
Planning Commission Work Session
03-09-1994 Planning Work Session
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MINirrES OF THK ORONO PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION <br />W EDNESDAY, MARCH 9 1994 <br />ROLL <br />The Orono Planning Commission met on the above date with the following members present; <br />Acting Chair Steve Peterstm. Sandy Smith, and Dale Lindquist. Janice Berg arrived at 6:08 <br />p.m. City staff were represented by Assistant Planning & Zoning Administrator Michael <br />Gaffron. Building and Zoning Administrator Jeanne Mabusth and Recorder Lin Vee. <br />Representing the marinas were Gar}' DeSantis of Sailors World. Todd Nelson of Minnetonka <br />Boat Works. Jim Rivers of Windward Marina, and Jim Dunn of Lakeside Marina. Members <br />of the public who were pre.sent 'Acre Bev Blomberg. 3180 North Shore Drive and Bt^b Bilgcr, <br />Sr., 4005 North Shore Drive. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. <br />Peterson explained that the meeting was an informal work session with public hearings and <br />Council action to follow. <br />Gaffron explained that the Planning Commission has been reviewing a draft of proposed <br />revisions to the B-2 code. He provided "A Revised List of Uses" indicating the pemiitted. <br />accessory and conditional uses that were considered and discussed at previous meetings. <br />Discussion continued with Subd. 13. Setback. Hardcover and Tree Removal Regulations. The <br />Commission has considered whether existing marinas should be subject to different standards <br />than a new marina. They questioned if there was any real incentive or benefit to changing the <br />standards for hardcover and setbacks to tit what currently exists. The 75 setback is met by <br />none of the existing marinas. No conclusions were reached at previous meetings. <br />Lindquist thought standards should remain as they exist, knowing there would be variances for <br />any new marinas or existing marinas that may request a change. Smith agreed. <br />Peterson expressed concern over Item B, Subd. 13 which discusses the setback from residential <br />property of 50’ for marina operation and activities except for storage and parking. One ot the <br />marinas has a gas dock which is near a residential property line creating a very hazardous <br />condition. Although there may be little the City can do about the situation, he felt the code <br />should address hazardous situations to protect neighbors. Peterson is referring to a line <br />extending from the on-land storage tanks out to the gas dock. <br />Smith asked if there were any fire, safety or police ordinances to help guide the City with <br />respect to gas dt>cks. Gaffron responded the City has adopted the State Fire Code which <br />regulates how a gas dock is built but doesn't necessarily address setbacks from neighboring <br />property lines. <br />Dunn commented that most of the marinas are quite current as they must follow State and <br />Federal laws which the City could incorporate. He added that many residential properties have <br />far more ha/.ardi>us situations with 50-gallon gas drums near their homes.
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