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03-09-1994 Planning Work Session
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Planning Commission Work Session
03-09-1994 Planning Work Session
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MCSXTES OF THE ORONO PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION <br />WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9 1994 <br />GatTron asked Dunn how many times he had seen an inspector trom the I'ire Department at his <br />marina. Dunn responded that he had never seen anyone representing the City but has dealt with <br />the State. He noted that there were cenain requirements of the fuel companies for gas dixks <br />and updates have to be done with any improvements to maintain current standards. Gaffron <br />indicated that City Building Inspectors were ir ’\ed when changes were made but were <br />probably not involved with any regular inspectioiis. <br />DeSantis noted that in discussions with the UPA. all gas tanks would be required to be above <br />ground by 1996/97 or be made of special material if below ground. The State is considering <br />adoption of a requirement for some type of material that wimld absorb spill in the lake. <br />Lindquist thought the City should Uxik at the State regulations and leave the ctxle with the <br />current 50' setback. Peterson added that the City may want to add a requirement for a IcKal fire <br />inspection to the code. <br />Rivers commented that the LMCD requires a 40 ’ setback for gas tanks abutting residential <br />property. Gaffron added that many marinas had obtained variances to that code through the <br />years. Peterson ntited that, theoretically, all d(x:ks are built within LMCD guidelines as they <br />are the governing agency. <br />Dunn pointed out that a boat/'operator may be the cause of an accident rather than the gas and <br />gas dock. i.e. a recent incident at Gayle's. He added that the DNR is doing research on using <br />composting techniques for treatment of bad spoils from spills. Peterson commented that <br />Minnesota is one of the leading states in dealing with environmental and EPA issues. <br />Gaffron explained the current policy on tree removal. Council has given staff the ability to deal <br />with these requests. The City requires the homeowner to contact a tree service or reputable <br />landscaper who will inspect the trees to determine their condition. A report is submitted and <br />a restoration plan proposed if trees are to be removed. Members agreed to leave this policy as <br />it exists. <br />Discussion continued with Subd. 14, Drainage. Gaffron noted much of this section already <br />exists. New language relates to submitting a drainage plan any time a new use is applied for. <br />construction of facilities to manage stormwater runoff and acknowledgement of Shoreland <br />Management Regulations and I'lood Plain Management Regulations. Peterson noted that any <br />time a major change takes place, drainage is included with the landscaping section. Members <br />agreed there is an obligation to refer to the Surface Water Management Plan, the Shoreland <br />Management Regulations and FKhhI Plain Management Regulations. <br />Gaffron continued with Subd. 15, Non-Conforming Use. noting that no ehanges have been made <br />since written in 1975. He gave an example of a current application by North Shore Drive <br />marina to do some cosmetic remodeling to a structure within 10' of the lake. This section
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