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11-22-1993 Council Minutes HRA
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11-22-1993 Council Minutes HRA
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0 <br />MINUTES OF THE HRA MEETING <br />HELD NOVEMBER 22, 1993 <br />ROLL <br />The HRA met on the above date with the following members present: Chair Gabriel Jabbour, <br />Edward Callahan, J. Diann Goetten, Charles Kelley and JoEllen Hurr. The following <br />represented City staff: City Administrator Ron Moorse and Recorder Lin Vee. Chair Jabbour <br />called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m. <br />( #1) APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />It was moved by Callahan, seconded by Goetten, to approve the minutes of the September 13, <br />1993 HRA meeting. Ayes 5, nays 0. <br />( #2) CHANGE ORDERS TO CLOSE OUT SUB - CONTRACTS <br />Jabbour met with City Administrator Ron Moorse, Finance Director Tom Kuehn, and John <br />Davies, Construction Manager of Kraus- Anderson on November 19, 1993 to review change <br />orders and final payments. The City Administrator prepared a memo, dated November 19, <br />1993, outlining three areas of change orders: <br />1) Decisions made early in the construction process; <br />2) Additional costs or credits based on adding work; and <br />. 3) Pending issues for three sub - contracts. <br />Jabbour stated that when original bids came in over budget, the choices were to reject all bids <br />or choose the low bidder with the understanding there would be amendments and modifications <br />to the plan. Since changes were made to the plans, change orders resulted. Most of these <br />changes have been acted on over the last year but felt formal action to adopt all changes should <br />be done. <br />Hurr questioned the amount remaining to Midland Nursery. Moorse stated approximately <br />$10,000 has been withheld to complete landscaping issues. Gerhardson confirmed that $10,000 <br />was an appropriate amount and noted that some drainage problems and dead plantings have been <br />replaced in the last week. <br />Jabbour explained there was a cement slab in the Police Department that needs to be replaced <br />as it has developed cracks. He also commented that J & F Construction presented a bill for <br />$5,000 for correcting footings on salt building that was not originally proposed. The architect <br />felt this was part of the design process and J & F Construction should have known how to work <br />with this. <br />A motion was made by Goetten, seconded by Kelley, to adopt the change orders as presented <br />in the memo from City Administrator Ron Moorse, dated November 19, 1993. Ayes 5, nays <br />0 1 <br />
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