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• <br />Ell <br />MINUTES OF THE HRA MEETING <br />HELD NOVEMBER 22, 1993 <br />( 0) PAYMENT REQUEST #17 <br />Moorse explained that this application for payment basically closes out the project and leaves <br />about $16,000 to pay on the whole project. <br />A motion was made by Callahan, seconded by Kelley, to approve City Hall and Public Works <br />Buildings Architect's Application and Certificate for Payment No. 17 in the amount of <br />$182,930.57 as presented. Ayes 5, nays 0. <br />Mayor Callahan suggested a vote of thanks be given to Jabbour for his time and effort in <br />working with the facilities project and remaining within $1,000 of the budget. Jabbour thanked <br />the Council for their support and felt the citizens of Orono should be pleased with the project <br />being completed so close to the budget. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />It was moved by Goetten, seconded by Kelley, to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 p.m. Ayes 5, <br />nays 0. <br />ATTEST: <br />Dorothy M. Hallin, City Clerk <br />0 <br />2 <br />Gabriel Jabbour, Chair <br />