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0 0 <br /> CITY of ORONO <br /> 0,4 <br /> 1/4i►;I� to; � G�ti RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> 'I ES1104v NO. l 1 <br /> 3. The minimum house setback from the wetland buffer shall be 20 feet. <br /> 4. All the development covenants shall become part of the PRD approval and enforceable <br /> by the City. <br /> 5. Any perimeter fence shall be a 60-inch high, four board English horse fence. This kind <br /> and height of fence is consistent with the Rural Oasis theme and the character and scale <br /> of the proposed development. It will also delineate the common area as being part of the <br /> development and not a public park or vacant land. The design and location of the fence <br /> shall be shown on the final development plans. <br /> 6. The Developer shall provide an easement for a future trail along Homestead Road and <br /> Sixth Avenue. <br /> 7. All plantings that are part of the PRD landscaping shall be native materials. (Plantings by <br /> homeowners on the house lots shall not be regulated except within the wetland buffer.) <br /> 8. The developer shall grant to the City 10 foot drainage and utility easements along <br /> perimeter property boundaries and adjacent to Outlot B. Other drainage, and drainage <br /> and utility easements shall be included on the plat where the City Engineer determines <br /> necessary, based on the final utility and drainage plans. <br /> 9. Outlot A shall be deeded to the Homeowners' Association for use as common area. It <br /> shall be restricted to septic, recreational, scenic, and conservation purposes by covenants. <br /> These covenants shall not be defeated or eliminated without the consent of the City <br /> Council. <br /> 10. Outlot B shall be deeded to the Homeowners' Association. <br /> 11. Developer shall execute a Flowage And Conservation Easement And Restrictive <br /> Covenant For Wetland And Wetland Buffer for the wetlands. <br /> 12. Payment of standard park dedication fee and standard storm water and drainage trunk fee. <br /> Developer is hereby advised that these preliminary approvals will expire on January 14, 2009. <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br />