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MINUTES OF THE <br /> ORONO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING <br /> Tuesday,January 17,2017 <br /> 6:30 o'clock p.m. <br /> granting of a conditional use permit for the construction of an 18' x 24' two-story addition, in <br /> accordance with Staff recommendations. VOTE: Ayes 4,Nays 0. <br /> 5. #17-3889 TIMOTHY AND JANE WHITE,2170 PROSPECT AVENUE,VARIANCES, <br /> 7:09 P.M.—7:14 P.M. <br /> Timothy White,Applicant,was present. <br /> Curtis stated the applicants' property located on Prospect Avenue, Briar Street and Crystal Avenue has <br /> street frontages on three sides, which requires a 50-foot setback as it is situated between two streets and is <br /> also a corner lot. The applicants are requesting setback variances in order to construct additions to the <br /> existing home on the north side. <br /> In the area of the home,the subject property has a width between 53 feet and 61 feet. The home is 24 feet <br /> wide. The applicants have proposed an addition to the home on the north side,which encroaches into <br /> both the side street and side setback areas of the property. A 50-foot setback is required from Briar Street <br /> and a 30-foot setback is required from the east side lot line. The 21-foot wide addition is proposed to <br /> encroach as much as 32 feet into the side street setback and 12.1 feet into the side street setback. <br /> A practical difficulty analysis has been provided in Staffs report. Staff finds practical difficulties exist in <br /> the property's substandard area and width, as well as the street frontage requiring 50-foot setbacks on <br /> three sides. Applying the setbacks,there is no buildable area on this lot. The encroachments do not <br /> appear to adversely impact the adjacent properties. <br /> Planning Staff recommends approval of the variances. <br /> Curtis noted there is an existing shed behind where the addition will go and will be removed as part of <br /> this project. <br /> The Planning Commission had no questions for Staff. <br /> Timothy White,Applicant, stated they are attempting to gain a little more space in the back of the house <br /> and make the house more useful. White stated the current setbacks are to the point where they are very <br /> limited in what can be done. White asked whether there is a 50-foot setback in both directions. <br /> Curtis stated it is 50 feet from Briar, 50 feet from Prospect,and 30 feet from Prospect. <br /> White stated they want to construct a small addition in the back,put a roof on the lean-to, and clean up <br /> the back part. <br /> Landgraver asked which shed will be removed. <br /> Curtis pointed out the location of the shed that will be removed,noting that it was not reflected on the <br /> survey, which is why it is being removed. <br /> Acting Chair Lemke opened the public hearing at 7:13 p.m. <br /> There were no public comments regarding this application. <br /> Acting Chair Lemke closed the public hearing at 7:13 p.m. <br /> Page 8 of 15 <br />