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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. b774 <br />utility improvements. Final sanitary sewer and watermain plans shall be provided and <br />are subject to approval by the Public Works Department and City Engineer. <br />2) Final Street and Storm Sewer Plans. <br />3) Final Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan and SWPPP showing existing and <br />proposed contours, building locations, elevations, stormwater facilities and <br />calculations, utilities and erosion control measures to be used during construction. <br />General Development Plan Approval will not be granted until the Minnehaha Creek <br />Watershed District has approved the stormwater plans. <br />4) Any additional plans and specifications deemed necessary by the City as review <br />progresses. <br />D. Platting Process. Applicant shall complete all requirements for Final Plat Approval as <br />follows. The following list of final submittals must be submitted to the City <br />Administrator 2 weeks prior to the regularly scheduled Council meeting on the second <br />and fourth Mondays of the month. These submittals are as follows: <br />1). Record plat drawings in the form of two (3) mylar copies (one copy for the City's <br />records and one for filing with Hennepin County) and one (1) copy reduced to 1" _ <br />200'. Drawing to include: <br />A. Lot lines platted per preliminary plat survey/drawing by Gronberg <br />and Associates dated May 15, 2017attached hereto as Exhibit B, <br />except as modified herein. <br />B. Dedication of "drainage and utility easements" 10' along exterior <br />property lines and 5' along the interior property lines. <br />C. Dedication of areas shown as wetlands. <br />D. Dedication of "Drainage Easements" over all drainageways <br />E. Name of plat. <br />2). Legal documents required: <br />A. Title opinion addressed to the City or a title insurance policy in favor <br />of the City. All owners, mortgage holders or others with property <br />interest indicated therein shall sign the plat and all other documents <br />affected by such interest. <br />B. The applicant must provide certified copies of all recorded <br />easements currently affecting the property. <br />C. Signed Conservation and Flowage Easement to be granted over all <br />delineated wetlands on the plat. <br />