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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF T� CIT ^ COUNCIL <br />NO. r (( 't <br />2) Applicant to confirm with SHPO that that there are no archaeological sites within the <br />property. <br />3) Appropriate traffic control signage within and pertinent to the site shall be installed by <br />the Developer subject to the City Engineer's review and approval. <br />4) Applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Council that all requirements <br />of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District as administrator of the WCA regulations <br />on Orono's behalf, are complied with. <br />5) Erosion control shall adhere to "Best Management Practices for Protecting Water <br />Quality in Urban Areas" and to the approved SWPPP. All erosion controls as <br />required by the City and the MCWD shall be in place prior to commencing grading <br />and excavation on the site. All such erosion control measures shall be maintained in <br />working order until the site is vegetated and stabilized. <br />6) The construction limits shall be clearly marked with adequate fencing to prevent any <br />construction damage or disturbance of any trees and vegetation outside of the <br />construction limits area. Developer shall identify trees to be preserved on site, shall <br />mark them on a site plan, and shall take extraordinary measures such as fencing, <br />signage, etc. to ensure they are not disturbed. <br />7) The applicable general engineering comments and or conditions provided by City <br />Engineer Robert Bean dated July 21, 2016 and August 11, 2016 attached hereto as <br />Exhibit C shall be suitably addressed by applicant in the development plan submittal. <br />8) This approval is based upon the known issues that may affect this project, but this <br />approval does not limit the City from revising or amending these conditions as the <br />review process continues. <br />9) This Approval shall be effective until June 26, 2018 per the provisions of Zoning Code <br />Section 78-628. If General Development Plan and Final Plat Approval is not granted <br />by that date, the terms and conditions of this resolution shall be null and void. The <br />City Council at its sole discretion may extend this effective period. <br />C. Plans and Specifications. The following plans and specifications shall be submitted <br />for review and approval by the City and other appropriate jurisdictions: <br />1) Final plans and specifications for all proposed utility lines and services, including <br />any proposed revisions to existing service facilities. Proposed plans shall be provided <br />to the City for final review and approval with the Final Plan set. The Public Works <br />Department and any other pertinent reviewing agencies shall review and approve all <br />