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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION C6 j?gCgY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6772 <br />collectively the "Plans") and annotated by City staff, attached to this Resolution as <br />Exhibits A & B. <br />3. Any amendments to the Plans which are not in conformity with City codes may require <br />further Planning Commission and City Council review. <br />4. Hauling shall occur during allowed construction hours only Monday through Friday 7 am <br />to 8 pm (and between 8 am and 8 pm on weekends and holidays). <br />5. The street shall be swept daily, or as needed, to keep debris off of City streets. <br />6. Contractor(s) shall post a contact number and be able to respond to complaints in a timely <br />fashion. <br />7. Any amendments to the Plans which are not in conformity with City codes may require <br />further Planning Commission and City Council review. <br />8. Authorities granted by this resolution run with the Property not with the Applicant, but are <br />permissive only and must be exercised by obtaining an administrative Zoning Permit for <br />the work and commencing construction of said project. A Zoning Permit must be received <br />by the Applicant within one year of the date of Council approval, or the variance will expire <br />on that date (June 26, 2018). <br />9. Applicant shall submit an as -built survey in order to final the permit and for the City to <br />refund any escrow funds held. <br />10. Violation of or non-compliance with any of the terms and conditions of this resolution may <br />result in the termination of any authority granted herein. <br />ADOPTED by the Orono City Council on this 26th day of June, 2017. <br />ATTEST: <br />Anna Carlson, City Clerk <br />5 <br />CITY OF ORONO: <br />Dennis Walsh, Mayor <br />