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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 677 2 <br />landscaped; it should blend into the Property. The project, once completed, should not <br />result in undesirable views requiring mitigation. <br />11) Not create a nuisance which generates smoke, noise, glare, vibration, odors, fumes, <br />dust, electrical interference, general unsightliness, or other means; This statement is <br />true. <br />12) Not cause excessive non-residential traffic on residential streets, parking needs that cause <br />a demonstrable inconvenience to adjoining properties, traffic congestion, or unsafe <br />access; The Applicant will be required to keep debris off of the public roadways. The <br />noise resulting from the trucks hauling and equipment moving the material in and around <br />the site should be minimized to the extent possible. The grading project will be monitored <br />by the City Engineer and planning staff so as to minimize nuisances during the project. <br />13) Designed to take into account the natural, scenic, and historic features of the area and <br />to minimize environmental impact; The project has been designed to take into account <br />the natural, scenic, and historic features of the area and to minimize environmental <br />impact. The long term effect of the project should result in minimal environmental <br />impacts. The project will be monitored by the City to prevent erosion from the site. <br />14) All exterior lighting shall be so directed so as not to cast glare toward or onto the public <br />right-of-way or neighboring residential uses or districts; there should be no lighting or <br />glare resulting from the grading project; and <br />15) Not detrimental to the public health, public safety, or general welfare. This statement is <br />true. <br />CONCLUSIONS. ORDER AND CONDITIONS: <br />Based upon one or more of the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby grants a <br />CUP pursuant to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Sections 78-967; 78-1283; and 78-1286 to allow <br />removal of approximately 300 cubic yards of compromised soil material on the Property's failed <br />lake slope and replace it with approximately 500 cubic yards of angular soil to be compacted and <br />restored as shown on the plans within 75 feet of the ordinary high water level of the lake, subject <br />to the following conditions: <br />1. Council approval is based on the entire record, above Findings. <br />2. The approved project shall conform to the grading plan from Otto Associates dated <br />03/10/17 and revised 06/01/17 and plans submitted by the Applicant (hereinafter <br />4 <br />