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Resolution 6771
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6700 - 6799 (November 28, 2016 - October 9, 2017)
Resolution 6771
Entry Properties
Last modified
2/27/2018 2:46:22 PM
Creation date
6/27/2017 11:22:20 AM
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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />6771 <br />NO. <br />proposed temporary use is anticipated to be adequately served by existing <br />services and facilities <br />(4) Provided with an adequate water supply and sewage disposal system. The <br />needs for water supply and sewage disposal will be provided by the operators <br />of the site, as municipal sewer and water are not currently available. <br />(5) Not expected to generate excessive demand for public services at public <br />cost. No excessive public services or public costs are anticipated based on the <br />proposed temporary use. Any costs of monitoring the site for compliance will <br />be charged back to the applicant. <br />(6) Compatible with the surrounding area as the area is used both presently and <br />as it is planned to be used in the future. The area is guided for residential <br />development. To the east, an active commercial apple orchard exists. The <br />owners of this orchard have expressed concern with dust and contaminants into <br />their Orchard. The applicant has failed to provide evidence that these concerns <br />can be mitigated <br />(7) Consistent with the character of the surrounding area, unless a change of <br />character is called for in the community management plan. The proposed <br />temporary use is bordered on the south, west and north by arterial roadways <br />The temporary use is not consistent with the character of the surrounding <br />area as the area is dominated by rural and passive uses <br />(8) Compatible with the character of buildings and site improvements in the <br />surrounding area, unless a change of character is called for in the community <br />management plan. Material storage is inconsistent with buildings and site <br />improvements surrounding the site, as they are rural residential uses <br />(9) Not expected to substantially impair the use and enjoyment of the property <br />in the area or have a materially adverse impact on the property values in the <br />area when compared to the impairment or impact of generally permitted uses. <br />Neighboring property owners have expressed concerns regarding the <br />potential for air, water and noise pollution associated with the construction <br />staging and materials storage and recycling temporary uses The applicant <br />has failed to demonstrate how the noise from rock crushing activities will be <br />mitigated or addressed to ensure the activities will not disrupt neighboring <br />properties <br />(10) Provided with screening and buffering adequate to mitigate undesirable <br />views and activities likely to disturb surrounding uses. The applicant has not <br />shown to the satisfaction of the City Council that dust and other potential <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />
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