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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6 7 7 1 <br />3. The Property is zoned RRA B One -family Rural Residential District requiring a <br />minimum lot area of 2.00 acres and a minimum lot width of 200 feet. The Property <br />is approximately 26 acres in area of which approximately 13 acres is wetland and <br />approximately 10 acres is a closed landfill. <br />4. The Property and an adjacent parcel are the subject of City of Orono Resolution <br />No. 6655 which grants preliminary plat approval for a 27 -lot single family <br />residential development within the adjacent parcel and within a portion of the <br />Property. <br />5. The site plan suggests that temporary lighting may be employed, and it is possible <br />that to minimize impact on traffic flow, some work on the highway improvements <br />may be at night. It would be appropriate to establish that any temporary lighting be <br />downcast and directed away from residential areas. <br />6. The submitted site plan indicates a proposed visual and noise -screening berm along <br />the west and south boundaries of the site. Applicant is working with the MPCA to <br />establish parameters and obtain permits for this berm, which will become an <br />amenity for future residential development, but has not received the necessary <br />permits. <br />The applicants' narrative suggests that this site might be used as a recycling yard <br />for projects other than just the Wayzata Boulevard improvements. <br />8. Review per Zoning Code Section 78-916. The Interim Use standards require that <br />an IUP request be considered with respect to the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) <br />standards of Zoning Code Section 78-916. Following is an analysis of the requested <br />IUP in relation to those standards. Council's findings following each criterion are <br />shown in bold italics. <br />Conditional Use Permit Analysis <br />Conditional use permit approval shall be granted only when the following <br />criteria are met: <br />(1) The proposed Interim Use is consistent with the Community Management <br />Plan(CMP). The proposed temporary use is commerciatindustrial in nature <br />and such use is inconsistent with the CMP guiding for this residential <br />neighborhood and the RR -1B Zoning District. <br />(2) The proposed use is compliant with the zoning code, including any <br />conditions imposed on specific uses as required by Article V, Division 3 of the <br />City Code. The proposed temporary use is compliant with the zoning <br />standards established for this interim use. Article V Division 3 does not <br />address the specific construction staging use proposed <br />(3) Adequately served by police, fire, roads, and stormwater management. The <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />