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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6 7 6 9 <br />Staff suggests that a berm/ screen plan be developed to shield the buses from the road, <br />and the fuel island be located to the rear or side of the building. <br />8) Compatible with the character of buildings and site improvements in the surrounding area, <br />unless a change of character is called for in the community management plan; The Council <br />has determined that the proposed use of the exterior spaces is consistent with the <br />surrounding area. <br />9) Not expected to substantially impair the use and enjoyment of the property in the area or have <br />a materially adverse impact on the property values in the area when compared to the <br />impairment or impact of generally permitted uses; No evidence has been presented. <br />10) Provided with screening and buffering adequate to mitigate undesirable views and activities <br />likely to disturb surrounding uses; A screening plan has not yet been developed but is listed <br />in the required conditions. <br />11) Not create a nuisance which generates smoke, noise, glare, vibration, odors, fumes, dust, <br />electrical interference, general unsightliness, or other means; The bus storage and garage is <br />not expected to create nuisances as listed. Minor repair is to occur indoors. <br />12) Not cause excessive non-residential traffic on residential streets, parking needs that cause a <br />demonstrable inconvenience to adjoining properties, traffic congestion, or unsafe access; The <br />site is sized to accommodate anticipated parking requirements. <br />13) Designed to take into account the natural, scenic, and historic features of the area and to <br />minimize environmental impact; Not applicable. <br />14) All exterior lighting shall be so directed so as not to cast glare toward or onto the public right- <br />of-way or neighboring residential uses or districts; No additional lighting is proposed and <br />15) Not detrimental to the public health, public safety, or general welfare. The city believes this <br />criteria to be met. <br />A CUP may be granted subject to such conditions as the Council may prescribe. Additionally, a CUP <br />shall remain in effect as long as the conditions imposed by the City Council are observed, but nothing <br />in this section shall prevent the city from enacting or amending official controls to change the status of <br />conditional uses. <br />CONCLUSIONS. ORDER AND CONDITIONS: <br />Based upon one or more of the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby grants a Conditional <br />Use Permit to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Section 78-823 to allow Bus operations and storage as <br />"Trucking Operations, but not distribution centers", subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Council approval is based on the entire record, above Findings. <br />