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A ,\ <br />�ESHV: <br />CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6769 <br />4. In considering this Conditional Use Permit application, the Council has considered the advice and <br />recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed variance upon the <br />health, safety and welfare of the community, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and <br />air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, and the effect on values of property in the surrounding <br />area. <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ANALYSIS: <br />The City Council may grant a CUP as the use permit was applied for or in modified form. On the basis of <br />the application and the evidence submitted, the city finds that the proposed use at the Property is or will be: <br />The Planning Commission may recommend and the Council may grant a Conditional Use Permit <br />(CUP) as the use permit was applied for or in modified form. On the basis of the application and the <br />evidence submitted, the city must find that the proposed use at the proposed location is or will be: <br />1) Consistent with the community management plan; The community management plan <br />suggests industrial uses in this part of Orono. <br />2) Compliant with the zoning code, including any conditions imposed on specific uses as <br />required by article V, division 3 of the City Code; "Trucking, but not distribution centers" <br />is a listed conditional use in the Zoning Ordinance. The City Council feels the bus garage <br />is appropriate use of land in the Industrial zoning district and consistent with the zoning <br />code. <br />3) Adequately served by police, fire, roads, and stormwater management; The site is on a <br />county road with capacity for the designed traffic. During peak hours, based on <br />empirical experience, full maneuverability may be problematic, delaying left turns onto <br />Wayzata Blvd. <br />4) Provided with an adequate water supply and sewage disposal system; The site is served by <br />municipal water and sanitary sewer. Bus washing is mentioned in the write up, but not <br />shown on the plan. If bus washing is to occur in a dedicated space, i.e. a wash -bay it <br />should be shown on a site plan, and may impact effluent draining and applicable SAC <br />units for the property. <br />5) Not expected to generate excessive demand for public services at public cost; The use is not <br />expected to require additional policing, traffic control, or staffing from the city. <br />6) Compatible with the surrounding area as the area is used both presently and as it is planned to <br />be used in the future; The neighborhood has been developed; the proposed use is not <br />expected to impact adjacent uses. The surrounding properties are well maintained, <br />present a professional appearance, and storage areas are screened from view. <br />7) Consistent with the character of the surrounding area, unless a change of character is called for <br />in the community management plan; The Planning Commission should determine if a fuel <br />island and exterior bus storage is consistent with the character of the neighborhood. <br />