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��o c1� oF oRONo <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COLTI�'CIL <br /> � <br /> �� ' e xo. 6660 <br /> t���SHO�E <br /> and pafio. However, approval of variances will allow for additiona!�torage below the <br /> deck without having mcreasing any impact on 5ardcover or rano$from the site. The <br /> propoaed roof over the deck is anticipated to provide greater livability withont any new <br /> impacb on hardcover or runo�and min�mal if any ixnpacts on the visual character of <br /> the nei�borhood. <br /> B11. "T�e granting of the proposed variawce will not in any vv�ay impair health, safety,comfrnt or <br /> morals, or in any other z�espect be coxitrary to the int�en�t of this chapter," Granting of the <br /> varisnces wauld not impair health, safety, comfort or moials and wonld be in keeping <br /> with the mtent of the zoning code. <br /> B12. "The gcatrt,ing of such variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant,but is <br /> necessa.ry to alleviate demonsirable difficulty." The location of the eristmg home and deck <br /> in relation to t�e creek is a practical difficulty,as adhereitce to tlte aetback requirements <br /> for �ttructure and 6a�dcover would di�allow the intended upgradeg and merely Allow <br /> repkcement in land of the eristing deteriorat�ng deck. <br /> CONCLLTSIONS,ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br /> Based upon one or more of the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby graats <br /> variances to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Sections 78-420, 18-1279 an►d 78-1680 in order to <br /> allow the construction of additions to the existing single family residence consisting of a covered <br /> deck,stairs and enclosed storage area,such edditions constituting structure and hardcover a portion <br /> of which will be located less than 75 feet from a protected tributary where no struchue or hardcover <br /> is normally allowed, subject to the following canditions: <br /> 1. Council approval is based on the survey and site plans submitted by the Applicants and <br /> annota�ted by City staff, attached to this Resolution as Ezhibit A and the conceptual <br /> building plaus attached as Ezhibit B. Any amendments to the approved survey, site plsn <br /> or building plsas which are not in conformity with City codes or wluch require fi�h�r <br /> variances will require further Planning Cammission and City Couacil review. <br /> 2. Applicants shall comply with the pernlitting requixements of the Minnehaha Creek <br /> Watershed District. <br /> 3. Authorities granted by this resolution run with the Pmperty not with the owners, but are <br /> permissive only and must be exercised by obtaining a building permit for the project and <br /> s <br />