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��o CITY OF ORONO <br /> ' RESOLUTId1�OF THE CTTY COUNCIL <br /> ��'� ��'� No. b 6 6 0 <br /> �&�SKo�� <br /> The plight of the property owners is due to the location oi the ee�sting hoase,deck and <br /> patio aress wluch based on available City record� were created prior to the 1992 <br /> e�tabli�hment of setback and hardcover standards relative to the tributaty creek. The <br /> property owner did not create this situatioa <br /> Reconfiguration of the deck and storage area as prnposed i�s not anticipated to alter the <br /> cLaracter of the n�ighborhood,as the proposed additions are in an area of the property <br /> that slready is covered by atrartaree,and the prnposed additions ar�not anhcip�ted to <br /> be visuaII,y int�casive. <br /> B4. "Economic considerations alone do not con�titute practical di�'iculties." Economic <br /> considerations have not bcen a factor in the variance apprnval determination. <br /> B5. "Practical difficulties also include but are not limited to inadequate access to dir�ct sunlight <br /> for solar energy systems. Variances shall be graated for esrth sh�eltered constniction as <br /> defined in Minn. Stat. § 216C.Ob,subd. 2,when in harmony with Qrono City Cod�e Chapter <br /> 78:' This condition i�not applicable. <br /> B6. "The boazd or the council may not permit as a vazisncc any use that is not permitted under <br /> Orono City Code Cb,�pter 78 for praperty u� the zone where tb.e affected �erson's land is <br /> locabed." T'his condition is not applicable, as tfie use for a single family residence is an <br /> aIlowed nse in the RR 1B Disrtrict. <br /> B7. "'The baard or council may permit as a variance the temporary use of a one-family dwelling <br /> as a two-f�ily dw�elling." Tl�is condition is not applicable. <br /> B8. "The special conditions applying to the structure or land in question are peculiar to such <br /> praperty or immedia#ely ad.lo�B ProP�Y�" The conditions applica6le to this ProPerh' <br /> are consistent with alf prnperties that abut protected.lake$hore and protected tribataries <br /> in Orono. How�ver,the condition of having eristing hardcover and atructure within the <br /> 0-75' Shoreland setback zone is lesa comman, and providea a basis for apprwal of the <br /> variances that would othecwise not eaisk <br /> B9. "The conditions do not apply generally to other land or stivatures in the district in which the <br /> l�d is located.". The condit�ons apply to mairy other homes on lota abutting protected <br /> �ributaries in the Orono wluch as s re�nit of the required setbacks may have bec�me <br /> nonconformung under the new Shoretand atandards adapted in 1992; but do not apply <br /> to a majority of lots within the RR 1B distric� <br /> B10. "The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and eajoyment of a <br /> substantial pmp�iy right of the applicant." The eaiating Lardcover and atructare nre <br /> considered to be noncanforming but bec�me so when the Shoreland standards were <br /> adopted in 1992. The applicanta have the right to retain and mamtain the eristing deck <br /> � <br />