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� o� <br /> o ,� o <br /> �,�, CITY of ORONO <br /> � �-� � <br /> � . <br /> �� ' `� G~' RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> L�kESH04� NO. � ��j i� <br /> ?. Hardcover in the 0-7�' zone shall be limited to 0 s.f. or 0 %. Hardcover in the 75- <br /> 250' zone shall be limited to 3096. s.f. or 46.5% per the proposed site plan and <br /> hardcover allowance summary as depicted on Exhibit B. The Owners are advised <br /> that any future requests to increase hardcover or change the nature of <br /> existing/approved hardcover shall require City approval, and increases in <br /> hardcover will not likely be approved without concurrent reduction in existing <br /> hardcover. This condition revises the 49.3 % hardcover allowed in the 75 to 250 <br /> foot zone by Resolution No. 3537. <br /> 3. ADDITIONAL SURVEYS REQUIRED: <br /> a. Per City Code 86-68, a foundation survey is required to be submitted prior <br /> to commencement of framing; and <br /> b. An as-built grading plan verifying compliance with the building permit, <br /> stormwater mana�ement, grading and drainage plans shall be submitted <br /> priar to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the residence. <br /> 4. The Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued until the Owners have �ranted <br /> the City a drainage easement over the swale along the southwesterly property line <br /> that carries the runoff from Highwood Road. <br /> �. Owners shall not place any plastic or fabric liner material under any landscaping <br /> on the property to ensure their perme�bility as non-har�c�ver surf�ces. <br /> 6. Authorities granted by this resolution run with the Property not with the owners, <br /> but are permissive only and must be exercised by obtaining a building permit for <br /> the new garage before September 14, 2010 or the variances will expire on that <br /> date. <br /> 7. Once a building permit has been obtained for the new garage the setback <br /> variances granted in zoning file #178 for the existing detached garage are void. <br /> 8. Violation of or non-compliance with any of the terms and conditions of this <br /> resolution shall constitute a violation of the zoning code, shall automatically <br /> terminate any authority granted herein, and shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. <br /> Page4of5 <br />