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Orono, MN Code of Ordinances Page 5 of 6 <br /> (9) Entrance monuments, defined for the purpose of this section as a nearly permanent physical <br /> structure or object, natural or artificial, used to depict an entrance to the property, erected in <br /> all residential zoning districts are considered nonencroachments when they conform with the <br /> following standards: <br /> a. Each monument, with a maximum of two per approved driveway access, shall be limited <br /> to a single pillar with a footprint measuring no larger than 25 square feet and no length to <br /> exceed five feet; <br /> b. The monument must be setback a minimum of five feet from all property boundaries and <br /> never fewer than ten feet from the edge of the paved, traveled roadway; <br /> c. Plans and/or elevation views of the proposed monuments are required to be submitted <br /> for approval by the planning director; <br /> d. All signage proposed for the monuments must comply with section 78-1467: <br /> e. The monuments are limited to eight feet in height including any appurtenances. Any <br /> monument exceeding the maximum height must meet principal structure setback <br /> requirements; <br /> f. When more than one monument is proposed, and serving two or fewer residences, a <br /> minimum horizontal width of 16 feet is required between them; <br /> g. When more than one monument is proposed, and serving three or more residences, a <br /> minimum horizontal width of 22 feet is required between them; <br /> h. Lighting is allowed, in conformance with section 78-1573 and at the discretion of the <br /> planning director. <br /> i. When a gate is proposed, the following requirements must be met: <br /> 1. The gate must open into the property not outward towards the right-of-way, and <br /> 2. Gates serving two or fewer residences shall have a minimum horizontal width of 14 <br /> feet in the full open position, and <br /> 3. Gates serving three or more residences shall have a minimum horizontal width of 20 <br /> feet in the full open position, and <br /> 4. For all properties, gate height may not exceed the height of the monument, measured <br /> from grade, unless principal structure setbacks are met(if monuments are not <br /> proposed then gate height shall be regulated in accordance with the fence height <br /> regulations of section 78-1405(8), and <br /> 5. Gates must maintain an opacity level of no greater than 25 percent, and <br /> 6. For locked and/or secured gates a knox box, meeting the standards set forth by the <br /> police and fire department, must be provided for emergency access, and <br /> 7. On major thoroughfares the monuments and gates must be located 40 feet from the <br /> paved, traveled road to allow for vehicle stacking. A major thoroughfare for the <br /> purposes of this section means any county road or state highway. <br /> j. A building permit is required for installation. A survey must be submitted depicting where <br /> the monuments will be placed, and the property corner pins must be located for <br /> inspection purposes. <br /> (b) The following shall not be considered to be encroachments on structure height requirements: <br /> (1) Parapet walls that extend no more than three feet above the height of the building. <br /> (2) HVAC cooling towers. <br /> (3) Elevator penthouses. <br /> about:blank 8/5/2015 <br />