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Orono, MN Code of Ordinances Page 4 of 6 <br /> b. Lakeshore/ots. <br /> 1. Fences within the required street(rear)yard or side street yard of a lakeshore lot shall <br /> not exceed 42 inches above original grade. Exception: A fence not exceeding six feet <br /> in height may be located along the street lot line of a lake frontage lot which abuts a <br /> major thoroughfare. A major thoroughfare for purposes of this section means any <br /> county road or state highway. If such fence involves fill or berming, the total <br /> combined height of both fence and fill shall not exceed six feet above the height of <br /> the crown of the major thoroughfare. <br /> 2. Fences within the required side yard of a lakeshore lot shall not exceed six feet in <br /> height, and shall not exceed 42 inches in height for any portion located lakeward of a <br /> line drawn between the most lakeward projection of the fence owner's principal <br /> residence structure and the most lakeward projection of the principal residence <br /> structure on the adjacent property abutting the side yard in which the fence is <br /> located. <br /> 3. Fences shall not be constructed within the defined lakeshore yard of a lakeshore lot, <br /> i.e., shall not be located within 75 feet of the shoreline for general development lakes, <br /> 100 feet for recreational lakes, or 150 feet for natural environment lakes. <br /> 4. When the building site of a lakeshore lot is separated from the lakeshore by a public <br /> or private road, the following definitions will apply for fence location purposes subject <br /> to the provisions of section 78-1405(a)(8)a.2: When the yard on the opposite side of <br /> the building site from the lake does not abut a street, such yard shall be considered <br /> as a standard rear yard. The yard between the building site and the street shall be <br /> considered as a standard front yard. <br /> c. Specia/provisions. Split rail fences of no more than three rails within a required front, <br /> street or side street yard may have a maximum top rail height of 48 inches above original <br /> grade. Board rail fences within a front, street or side street yard for the specific purpose of <br /> enclosing permitted domestic animals may have a top rail height of 60 inches and shall be <br /> no more than 50 percent opaque. <br /> d. Intersection sightline obstruction prohibired. No fence shall be installed so as to obstruct a <br /> required clear view at street intersections as required by section 78-1371. <br /> e. Fence construcrion and maintenance. <br /> 1. The owner of a fence shall maintain it in a condition of reasonable repair and <br /> appearance and shall not allow it to become or remain in disrepair or in a dangerous <br /> condition. <br /> 2. Fences shall be installed with the finished side facing neighboring properties or the <br /> street.The term "finished side" means that side having no structural supports. <br /> 3. Fencing materials shall consist of permanent all weather products. <br /> 4. Temporary fencing shall not be allowed to remain on the property following final <br /> inspection, or issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a permitted construction <br /> project, or protection of property during a similar project or winter conditions. Winter <br /> conditions shall be defined as October 15 through March 31 of the following year. <br /> Temporary fencing associated with a special event shall be removed within seven <br /> days of the end of such event. Temporary fencing materials shall not be allowed to <br /> remain on a permanent basis on a parcel. <br /> 5. Existing fences that are legal nonconforming as to location, height, design or other <br /> characteristics may be replaced in kind. <br /> about:blank 8/5/2015 <br />