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Orono, MN Code of Ordinances Page 2 of 6 <br /> (7) Air conditioning or heating equipment may be located within a required yard but shall be <br /> located within five feet of the building it serves; shall not be located within an existing or <br /> required drainage and/or utility easement; and shall be located at least five feet from any lot <br /> line. <br /> (8) Fences erected in all zoning districts are considered as a nonencroachment when they <br /> conform to the standards listed below. For the purposes of this section, the following <br /> definitions shall apply: <br /> Permanent fence. A fence that is installed in a fixed or enduring manner that is not <br /> intended for a seasonal or temporary purpose. <br /> Temporary fence. A fence that is not permanently secured or anchored to the ground by <br /> posts or affixed footings, and is installed and removed on a limited term or seasonal basis <br /> such as: snow fences, garden fences, seasonal recreational fences such as hockey boards; <br /> fences installed for safety or access management purposes for special events; and fences <br /> installed for the duration of a construction project such as silt fences, erosion control <br /> bioretention logs, and septic drainfield site protection fences. <br /> Fence height. The measurement from the top of any part of the fence, including posts or <br /> other structural supports, lattice, ornate top design elements, and so forth measured to the <br /> existing grade below the fence, as measured perpendicular to the slope (see Drawing). <br /> Exception: Post finials extending above the top of the fence shall not be deemed as part of the <br /> fence for height determination purposes as long as they do not exceed ten inches in width per <br /> finial and do not extend above the top of the fence by more than ten percent of the allowed <br /> maximum fence height at that location. <br /> Drawing: Fence Height Measurement <br /> on Sloped Site <br /> about:blank 8/5/2015 <br />