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Orono, MN Code of Ordinances Page 1 of 6 <br /> Sec. 78-1405. - Nonencroachments. <br /> (a) The following shall not be considered to be encroachments on yard setback requirements: <br /> (1) Chimneys, flues, belt courses, leaders, silis, pilasters, lintels, ornamental features, cornices, <br /> eaves, gutters, and similar building elements, provided they do not extend more than two feet <br /> into a required yard. <br /> (2) Nameplate signs for one-family dwellings subject to the provisions of article X, division 4 of <br /> this chapter; lights for illuminating parking areas, loading areas or yards for safety and <br /> security purposes, provided the direct source of light is not visible from the public right-of-way <br /> or adjacent residential property and is located at least five feet from the front lot line; public <br /> utility poles and overhead lines; mailboxes. <br /> (3) Terraces, steps, uncovered porches, stoops or similar structures which do not extend above <br /> the height of the ground floor level of the principal building and extend to a distance of not <br /> less than two feet from any lot line. Window wells including those for fire egress which do not <br /> extend more than five feet from the building. Sidewalks, driveways and parking areas when <br /> constructed, located and used in compliance with other provisions contained within chapter <br /> 78. Driveways may extend to within five feet of a side lot line. <br /> (4) In side or rear yards only, bays or cantilevers not to exceed a depth of two feet nor to contain <br /> an aggregate area of more than 20 square feet, fire escapes not to exceed a width of three <br /> feet and a depth of four feet, and open off-street parking. <br /> (S) In rear yards only, balconies, breezeways, detached outdoor picnic shelters, laundry drying <br /> equipment, and recreational equipment except as otherwise regulated; no accessory <br /> structure shall be closer than five feet from a rear lot line. <br /> (5.1) Retaining walls, subject to the following provisions: <br /> a. Retaining walls may be located in all required yards when all of the following conditions <br /> are met: <br /> 1. The structure is located at least ten feet from the edge of the traveled roadway; <br /> 2. The structure is not located within a drainage, utility, or other easement, except upon <br /> approval in writing for an encroachment agreement by the city; or similar approval <br /> from another regulatory and/or utility agency; <br /> 3. The structure creates no impacts to drainage direction, rate or volume for adjacent <br /> properties. <br /> b. Retaining walls which do not exceed two feet in height above existing grade, which are <br /> located within the property and at least five feet from any property line, and for which the <br /> amount of imported fill associated with the structure does not exceed 20 cubic yards, do <br /> not require a building or land alteration permit. <br /> c. Retaining walls exceeding two feet in height above existing grade or for which the amount <br /> of imported fill associated with the structure exceeds 20 cubic yards or which are located <br /> less than five feet from a property line, shall require a land alteration permit and upon <br /> recommendation of the building inspector may require city council review or a conditional <br /> use permit per the provisions of section 78-967. <br /> d. Retaining walls exceeding the allowed height of a fence in a given required yard shall be <br /> located so as to meet the required accessory structure setbacks established for that yard. <br /> (6) In side yards only, no accessory structure shall be closer than ten feet from any side lot line. <br /> about:blank 8/5/2015 <br />