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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />N0. <br />6596 <br />corridor is for a shared driveway so that Lot 2 can avoid an added curb cut onto North Shore <br />Drive. <br />11. The existing shared driveway configuration has not caused any of the potential conflicts <br />envisioned by the back lot ordinance rationale. Due to the shape of the lots, the actual <br />separation between the homes at 2445 and 2455 exceeds 200 feet, far greater than the 125' <br />separation that would be required in a standard front/back lot configuration in the 2 -acre <br />zone. <br />12. The adjacent property at 2445 North Shore Drive as a result of the 1995 re -plat technically <br />does not exhibit the characteristics of a front lot, as it extends full-length from North Shore <br />Drive to the Lake. This is a result of the unique configuration that existed before the 1995 <br />re -platting. The locational relationship between the homes at 2445 and 2455 has been <br />established and in place for nearly 40 years. It is also a fact that the Owner also owns the <br />property at 2445 and has recently had that residence demolished. Any future development of <br />2445 will be with full knowledge of the configuration, shape and setback requirements <br />applicable to Lots 1 and 2. <br />13. Applying the normal LR -1A side setback standards for future development/redevelopment <br />of the Property will have minimal impact on the character of the neighborhood, as the vast <br />majority of other lakeshore homes in the neighborhood are subject to the normal LR-lA <br />standards. <br />14. Application of the back lot standards to Lot i reduces the buildable width of the 160 -foot <br />wide lot from approximately 100 feet to approximately 70 feet, and limits the ability to <br />make additions to the existing home or replace the existing home with a similar home unless <br />replaced exactly in kind. <br />15. The City Council finds that adherence to the back lot standards is not critical for maintaining <br />compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. There is no apparent potential conflict <br />related to the functional rear yard of the applicant's Property abutting the functional front <br />yard of the adjacent residence at 2445 North Shore Drive. The existing shared driveway <br />configuration has no negative impacts on either of Lots 1 or 2. <br />CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND DECLARATION <br />Based upon one or more of the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby declares <br />that the Property at 2455 North Shore Drive shall be considered as a standard lot for zoning <br />purposes and shall not be subject to the back lot standards established within Municipal Zoning <br />Code Section 78-1370. <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />