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Resolution 6596
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6596
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/17/2016 9:16:00 AM
Creation date
3/17/2016 9:15:48 AM
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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6 596 <br />6. The original owner has recently sold the Property and the Owner is requesting that approval <br />be granted to allow future additions and/or home reconstruction to not be subject to the back <br />lot setback standards. Approval of the request would allow future principal structure side <br />setbacks of 30' as per the LR -IA standards, rather than the 45' side setback required under <br />the back lot standards. While no plans for specific proposed additions or reconstruction <br />have been submitted, the Owner wishes to establish the standards under which a design <br />process can be commenced. <br />7. The definition of Back Lot is as follows: <br />"Lot, back, means a lot typically separated from a public or private road by another <br />lot and which gains access to the public or private road via a narrow corridor. Such a <br />separated lot is considered to be a back lot when the corridor is platted as an outlot. A <br />separated lot is considered to be a flag lot when the corridor is platted as part of the <br />lot. When the corridor is merely an easement over another lot, the separated lot is <br />considered to be an easement back lot." <br />8. The definition of Front Lot is as follows: <br />"Lot, front, means a lot abutting a public or private road, across which an outlot has <br />been platted for access to a back lot." <br />9. The rationale for higher standards for front/back lot divisions resulting in the existing back <br />lot ordinance was documented during 1993 Planning Commission and City Council <br />discussions and hearings preceding adoption of the ordinance. Those points include the <br />following: <br />a. With such divisions there is created a potential conflict in front yards abutting rear <br />yards, with the resulting incompatible typical uses of such yards. <br />b. Driveway outlots which abut adjacent residentially -used side and rear yards can <br />have a negative impact on those adjacent properties. <br />C. Creation of additional driveway cuts within a given length of roadway that would <br />normally serve one residence, may cause safety problems in some cases. <br />d. The potential use conflicts and negative impacts noted in a. and b. above can be <br />reduced or eliminated by requiring higher standards for buffering, either by <br />screening or by increased separation of uses. <br />10. The front-lot/back-lot relationship established by application of the zoning code during the <br />1995 re -plat has technical flaws. Lot 1 is not physically separated from North Shore Drive <br />by Lot 2 (2445 North Shore Drive). Lots 1 and 2 are functionally parallel to each other, and <br />absent the existing outlot corridor extending from North Shore Drive to Lot 1, each lot <br />would extend from North Shore Drive to the lakeshore. The only reason for the outlot <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />
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